Inner Purpose Podcast

Intuition Unleashed: The Key to Business Breakthroughs (Part 1)

Michelle Dowker Season 1 Episode 11

Welcome to Your Next Intuitive Business Breakthrough training series! Over the next five episodes, I'll be sharing foundational power tools, insights, and perspective shifts that have guided me and my clients towards greater clarity, intuition, and business success.

If you're like most sensitive entrepreneurs, you want to make aligned decisions and trust your intuition.

Today's lesson introduces a key foundational exercise that I believe is crucial for everyone to master. It serves as a base for deeper intuitive work and decision-making, that I will build upon throughout the rest of the training series. I’ll explain what it is, how to do it, and most importantly, why I start here.

Throughout the training series, I'll provide additional tools and insights to help you fully trust and leverage your intuition in business and life. If you're ready to tap into your inner wisdom and take your next leap forward in your life and business, be sure to sign up for the free training series and join me on this transformative journey. Tune in to tomorrow's episode for more on understanding the language of your intuition.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back. I'm super excited about this episode and the next episodes that are going to be coming up this week. We're doing something a little bit different. These next five episodes here on the Inner Purpose Podcast are part of a free training series that I am hosting to help you to get your next intuitive business breakthrough you to get your next intuitive business breakthrough. What I'm going to be teaching you here are the foundational power tools and the perspective shifts that I guide my clients through and I have used myself in order to get more clarity and tap into your own intuition, so that you can see your path and answers more clearly and get that breakthrough in your business to take the leap into the next level. If you haven't already done so, I highly suggest that you sign up for this training series, even though you're listening to this on the podcast. When you sign up for the training series, even though you're listening to this on the podcast, when you sign up for the training series, you're going to receive an email reminder every day with a link to the new training on the podcast, as well as additional tools and guided trainings outside of this podcast that are going to help you in getting clear on your own intuition, how it works and how to use what I'm teaching you so that you can get crystal clear on that next step that you want to take to up-level your business, align yourself in soul-nurturing ways and fully trust your intuition, not only to make business decisions, but to use your intuition in your work more deeply than ever. So over the course of the next five days, there's going to be a new podcast episode released, and with each podcast episode I am going to introduce you to a new concept tool activity that you can do to connect more with your own intuition to get your own intuitive business breakthrough.

Speaker 1:

Today's lesson, I'm introducing a foundational exercise that I teach every single client, and I find it to be so important that I've offered it as a free exercise for anybody to sign up and download and follow, and so you may have. If you've been following me, you may have already downloaded or accessed the free Say yes to your Dream Career and Dream Business video where I guide you through a process to help you identify and clarify your green and red flag feelings. So you may have heard me talk about green and red flag feelings before. Now I'm going to go into a little bit of detail about why I start with this particular exercise first, what this exercise is about, and I'm going to start to introduce you to how to use this exercise in your decision making and to connect with the language of your intuition and why this exercise is so darn important. So I'm not going to guide you through how exactly to do this exercise. I highly suggest that you access the training series or, at the very least, access the free exercise on its own so that you can go through the guided visualization where you are going to tap into your green and red flag feelings, a general overview of what this is about.

Speaker 1:

When I guide you through the guided visualization, what I'm doing is first of all helping you to relax your nervous system and I'm going to explain why that's so important to start with first, and then, through the visualization, I guide you first to tap into thinking about memories of first, challenging, uncomfortable, hurtful experiences that you may have had. I know it's not so great to think about these things, but what I guide you to do is to think about in those situations that were hurtful, that were painful, that were difficult, that did not align with you. When you look back on the situation, you know that that situation did not align with your soul. And think about in those situations, how did you feel, what sensations did you have, where did you feel them in your body and what exactly did those sensations feel like? And this is the first step to understanding your red flag feelings, those feelings that indicate that something is not aligned for you, something doesn't feel good for you, something does not feel optimal for you. And then, in the visualization, I'm going to get you to think about really wonderful moments, moments that felt aligned, where you felt at ease, where you felt happy, secure. It just felt like everything was working out the way you wanted, the way that felt optimal for you. And when you think about those moments, think about how did you feel? What were the sensations? Where did you feel those sensations? How did those sensations feel? These are your green flag feelings.

Speaker 1:

Now, why is it that I'm focusing on these feelings and sensations and where do you feel them in your body? Now, the reason why I guide you through this exercise in the way that I do is because your intuition and your nervous system are so closely associated. And this is why, number one, I guide you to relax your body before we do the visualization, because the more your nervous system is in ventral vagal state, which means you're more in a relaxation state, the more your heart rate variability is in a coherent state, which means that you are in a more relaxed and regulated state. This will improve your connection to be able to pick up on your intuitive hits. Studies show there's a strong association with heart rate variability and coherence and intuition, and so this is why I always start with nervous system first. Not only is it important for your physical body and your physical health, because it's the bridge between your inner emotional terrain and every single physiological system in your body, but it's also highly connected to your intuition. We all have access to our intuition, but we might not understand the language, we might not trust it, and I'm going to get into that in a minute as to why that might be and some considerations and perspective shifts to consider in terms of better understanding your intuition and trusting it. So when we talk about our nervous system, especially when we're talking about our parasympathetic nervous system, so we have two arms of our nervous system. We've got our sympathetic nervous system, which is our fight or flight response, our stress response, and then we have our parasympathetic nervous system and the ventral vagal aspect of the parasympathetic nervous system is associated with what we would call rest and digest.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to go into all the details about how your nervous system works. There is a presentation that I've done in the past called Understanding your Nervous System, and I will include a link to that presentation in the training series so that you can access that. When you access this training series, if you sign up, if you want to go learn more about your nervous system and these concepts that I've just mentioned, I'll explain. I explain all about them in that recorded presentation. Now here's the thing about the parasympathetic nervous system.

Speaker 1:

80% of this nervous system communication is happening from the body up to the brain. There are only 20% of the fibers which are motor fibers going from the brain down to the brain. There are only 20% of the fibers which are motor fibers going from the brain down to the body, and so that means that your nervous system the part of your nervous system especially that's highly connected with your intuition is communicating from picking up information from the body and bringing it up to the brain, not the other way around, and this is why your intuition doesn't typically communicate through your mind and your thoughts, but rather through your body and your physical sensations. And this is why I guide you through this green and red flag feelings exercise as the first of many steps to start to connect yourself with, picking up on the nuances and oftentimes they can be very subtle Picking up on the nuances of what your body is communicating to you in different situations. It's always giving you feedback and messages and information. It's just whether or not you're A paying attention and B know how to pick up, interpret and translate that information so that you can use it. So this is why I start with the green and red flag feelings exercise.

Speaker 1:

As you can see, this exercise is all about you tuning into the physical sensations in your body with different experiences, particularly memories of different experiences, because they've already passed. So that's accurate data. If you think about experiences that did not feel aligned for you, you know, looking back, hindsight is always 20-20. You can look back and go yeah, that was not aligned. Okay, how did I feel? What sensations did I have in those moments? Right, and then there's other sensations that you're going to have in those moments where you look back and you go that was so aligned, I was in my flow. That was what I want, and when you think about those, you're likely going to have very different sensations and they might be in completely different parts of the body and you're going to see in the guided exercise when you access it. There are some participants that share their experiences after doing this guided visualization to identify your green and red flag feelings, and their results were completely different to the point where one person's green flag feeling was another person's red flag feeling.

Speaker 1:

And this is the thing. There is no right or wrong. This is about just tuning into you and what feels aligned for you, because what feels aligned for you might not feel aligned for somebody else, and that's okay. This is all about getting to know you and the language of your nervous system and the language of your intuition. It is unique. There is not another person who is going to have the exact same language as you. Now, here's the thing.

Speaker 1:

Oftentimes we've been conditioned to not trust our own language, to not trust our gut instincts, to not trust what our intuition is saying, especially if it goes against what general society says, especially if, during our developmental years, we were in situations where we were surrounded by potentially dysregulated adults, for one reason or another who did not provide safe, accepting space for us to express our truth, to explore our own intuitive instinct. It's very common, especially because social conditioning, whether it be general society or culture or religion or all the other aspects that contribute to social conditioning, can program us to believe that we need to think a certain way, do a certain thing, be a certain way, even if it doesn't align with what we actually want, who we actually are and what our instinct tells us. And over time, especially in our developmental years, if we keep getting the message over and over again that we're wrong, we need to be fixed, there's something wrong with us, that that isn't accurate, that you should just be quiet and do the thing, even if we keep saying this doesn't feel good, after a while you start to believe that you're the problem, that you must be wrong, that you can't trust your instincts. But really what's going on is conditioned programming from society and dysregulated people have led us to believe that our own intuition is wrong, and sometimes it's part of the human journey to have to go through this experience of losing connection with ourself so that at some point on our journey we can decide to reconnect with ourself. I think this is a very common human journey to take, and I think for most of us, this is the way it tends to go, and especially for those of us who are highly sensitive people, right, especially if you've been given those messages in your life you're too sensitive, you're overreacting, you're too dramatic, you're too much and these messages tend to come from people who are projecting their own stuff onto us. I know for myself a lot of those messages came from adults who did not feel comfortable with their own sensitivity and, because of that, me expressing mine scratched a wound that they hadn't integrated yet.

Speaker 1:

Right, this is the shadow aspect of things. Right, the things that you don't integrate and accept and make peace with within yourself. When somebody else brings that up or shines a light on that, then it's going to feel triggering. I will talk about that in another podcast episode. But this is the thing, right, especially if we are connected with our intuition, if we are highly sensitive, if we're expressing things that seem to go against maybe, what society is saying, this can sometimes feel triggering for somebody, and what's typically happening is it's triggering for them because it's shining a light on something that they haven't come to terms with or are not at peace with within themselves, and their triggered reaction is a projection of what's going on within them, right? I talked about this a little bit in the people-pleasing episode a little while back and I will touch upon it again in the future.

Speaker 1:

This is such an important piece of the puzzle to understand and integrate, especially if you are a highly sensitive person. You are neurodivergent because we make up a small percentage of the population. Studies show, for example, that highly sensitive people make up approximately 20% of the population, so that means 80% of the population aren't, so their nervous system and their brain does not function exactly the same as our own. We're wired differently and, of course, you know our instincts are going to pick up on things differently. We're going to process things differently and if we express that and we aren't fully confident and connected within ourselves, sometimes what we express and what we say might trigger those people who think differently than us the 80% especially who might not feel as connected as we do. The less confident we are within ourselves, then we're going to allow the external world to convince us that our gut instincts are incorrect.

Speaker 1:

But here's the thing we all have access to intuition, every single one of us, including you. And so I say this because so many of us go searching externally for the answers and go look to other people to give you the answers. And go look to other people to give you the answers, but you have all the answers within yourself, but you might not fully trust them, you might not have the full perspective, you might not fully understand yourself to a level that maybe helps you to create and establish an informed decision or a fully informed decision. And I mention this because, as I've been pivoting into more intuitively led work, as I work with ambitious, sensitive entrepreneurs who are wanting to uplevel their work and align their work more with their deepest inner soul purpose, I have been noticing that some people look to me to give them the answer right, because I do have this psychic ability, which everybody does, but it's how connected you are to it. And the thing is is that my psychic ability is not about telling you what's going to happen next Wednesday at 12 pm or what business decision that you should make. Even if I could see exactly what business decision that is best for you to make. I don't want to tell you that part. I want to give you the perspectives and information about all of your different options so that you can make the most aligned decision by connecting to your own intuition, and that's how you're going to make the breakthrough that feels most aligned for you. Because even if I saw the answer and I told you, if you didn't come up with that answer on your own, it's likely not going to land the same way, and I've seen that over and over again.

Speaker 1:

Today's first training session out of the five that we're going through this week is really dialing in identifying your green and red flag feelings. This exercise on its own is helpful. However, the way I use it, it's a base for so many other things that you're going to use it for. It's not a black or white thing where you go, okay. So I'm thinking about this option or decision and it feels like a red or a green flag feeling. This is the first level of awareness, but there's more levels of nuance to consider than whether or not okay, if that feels like a red flag feeling, that I should avoid it or move away from it, that might very well be the case. However, there's going to be more layers of nuance that I'm going to talk about this week in the future trainings that layer on top of this base exercise of green and red flag feelings, and this exercise, like I said, is so important.

Speaker 1:

Every single one of my clients learns about this, and what I've decided to do is make this a base exercise that everybody in my world, in my audience, has free access to, because I want you to master this particular exercise before you start to work with me. If you do decide that you'd like to work with me because it really helps us move along that much quicker if you've already developed a good understanding of your own personal green and red flag feelings because it's going to be different than mine, it's going to be different than everyone else, and the more and more connected you are to yourself and your intuition and how your intuition speaks to you and the language that it uses, then the further we're going to be able to go. If you do decide to work with me and if you don't feel aligned to work with me, this is going to give you really important information for yourself so that you can give yourself your own intuitive breakthroughs, and that's really the point of all of this. So, to summarize, today was talking about establishing and identifying and clarifying your own green and red flag feelings, and they're going to be unique to you. Go and do the guided visualization.

Speaker 1:

The visualization itself, I believe, is about 10 to 15 minutes. It's not long, but it's important. And if you've already done it, I highly suggest that you do it again, because every time you do this exercise you're going to gain another level of awareness for yourself. You're going to connect another level deeper, to connecting with the somatic information through which your intuition speaks. So, again, if you're just coming across this podcast episode and you haven't signed up for the free training series, you can go to the show notes and sign up for the free training series and when you do, you're going to get an email with access to the video that guides you through the green and red flag feelings exercise. And you're also going to get an email once a day for five days with links to each of the recorded lessons that are housed here on the Inner Purpose podcast, as well as additional thoughts and exercises in those emails, and you can keep those forever.

Speaker 1:

So, if you're following along with this training series, today's homework is to do the green and red flags exercise, identify those green and red flag feelings for you, and tomorrow we're going to come back and I'm going to be speaking more about the language of your intuition and understanding what's your intuition, what's not your intuition and how to tell the difference. And this is a really important piece to help you really understand the nuances about your intuition so that you can connect with it, so that you can trust it and so that you can understand the messages it's giving you, so that you can get your intuitive breakthrough, get your own answers and get the clarity to leap into the next level of your business, of your life, every aspect of yourself. So I look forward to speaking to you again tomorrow.