Inner Purpose Podcast

Unlocking Intuitive Mastery: Human Design Keys for Business Success (Part 3)

Michelle Dowker Season 1 Episode 13

Welcome to day 3 of Your Next Intuitive Business Breakthrough training series! I'm sharing foundational power tools, insights, and perspective shifts that have guided me and my clients towards greater clarity, intuition, and business success.

Ever feel like you can't trust your intuition without confusion and doubt? Are you sacrificing clarity to make decisions?

What if instead, you could have deep intuitive understanding and confidently navigate your business decisions? That's what we're diving into with today's episode.

If you're like most sensitive entrepreneurs, you want to align your work with what deeply nourishes your soul.

In today's episode, I give you the steps to unlock your intuitive mastery through your Human Design chart, offering a transformative approach to intuitive mastery and decision-making that can catapult your business efforts.

By the end of this episode, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to reconnect with your intuition, align your work with your soul's purpose, and make empowered decisions that not only shape a successful business but also resonate deeply with who you are. Join me and transform the way you make decisions—your future self will thank you.

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Speaker 0:

Hello and welcome to day three of your next intuitive business breakthrough training series. I'm so excited that you're here. If you've been following along, you know that we have been exploring how to more deeply trust your intuition so that you can make the decisions confidently and with clarity, so that you can level up in your business and align your work to what deeply nourishes your soul. If you haven't already signed up for this training series, I highly suggest that you do. You can do that using the link in the show notes, and when you do, you're going to receive one email a day for five days with links to each of the podcast episodes. That includes a training lesson today's day three, and you're also going to receive additional training material in the emails. In day one, we went over the exercise of identifying and clarifying your green and red flag feelings and how important it is to connect to the sensations in your body versus the thoughts in your mind, because that's where your intuition is usually going to speak first, and the more awareness and discernment you have, the more you're going to be able to pick up on intuitive signals and messages and understand what they mean. And then, in day two, we talked about what is your intuition and what isn't it. How does it speak and how do you discern, when you're getting messages and signals and thoughts and ideas, whether or not it is your intuition speaking or whether or not it's something else, like a protective part? Now today we're going to be talking about your human design chart and some keys in your human design chart that can unlock your own personal intuitive mastery. I'm super excited about this particular lesson today. If you're not already familiar with human design, it's defined as a holistic self-knowledge system that combines astrology, kabbalah, myers-briggs, I Ching, quantum physics and all sorts of really interesting information to help you better understand yourself. So it's kind of like astrology on steroids, in a way. Now, in my practice, I use both human design and astrology because each of them will provide you with different information, I believe, about yourself and your strengths and your weaknesses and how to navigate your challenges in life. And there's two aspects to your human design chart that I want to talk about today that will help you better understand your own particular intuitive system and how to best use it in the way that you're designed. If you're not already familiar with human design, or if you've never looked up your chart before, you can look that up for free online. I oftentimes suggest going to the website mybodygraphcom. You can look up your human design chart for free and then what you're going to do is go and click on the chart properties option.

Speaker 0:

So if you have your human design chart or you're going to go look up your human design chart, if you're not already familiar with your signature, your not self theme and your authority, these are the things that you want to look up today on your chart, in your chart properties, because this is what we're talking about today in terms of honing in your intuition and better understanding how it's designed for you. So let's start with your not-self theme and your signature. So your signature is how you tend to feel when things are aligned for you, versus your not-self theme tends to be how you typically feel when something is not aligned for you. So in general, I like to call your not-self theme and your signature as your ultimate red and green flag feelings. So in day one of the training, we talked about identifying your red and green flag feelings through memories and events in your life that you've had and how those events made you feel. Now this is another way to identify some red and green flag feelings for you is looking at your not-self theme and your signature.

Speaker 0:

There are four different sets of not-self themes and signatures. Right, so we have five different human design types. We've got generators and manifesting generators, manifestors, projectors and reflectors. I'll list off here. Generators and manifesting generators will tend to have frustration as the not-self theme and satisfaction as the signature. Manifestors tend to have anger as the not-self theme and peace as the signature. Projectors tend to have bitterness as the not-self theme and success as the signature, and reflectors tend to have disappointment as the not-self theme and success as the signature, and reflectors tend to have disappointment as the not-self theme and surprise as the signature.

Speaker 0:

I myself am a generator, so that means that frustration and satisfaction are my not-self theme and signature. So these are my ultimate red and green flag feelings. So when I am doing something that is aligned, I'm connected with my work, I'm connected with the people in an aligned way around me. I'm doing what truly lights me up, I'm going to feel the feeling of satisfaction. And if I'm not aligned with my work, if I'm not aligned with my environment, if I'm doing something that's going against my design, that doesn't feel aligned for me, I'm going to feel frustration and frustration, this red flag feeling, especially for generators, is a sign that something needs to change.

Speaker 0:

Now here's the thing with your the signature and not self theme. How you feel these things in your body as a sensation and an experience might be different from another person. So how you feel satisfaction and how that shows up in your body and the sensations that it delivers might be different than somebody else who has satisfaction as their signature. And, just like you did for the red and green flag feeling exercise, it's really important to tune into what those feelings actually feel like for you so that you can recognize them when they do show up, so that you can say, oh, I've got this satisfaction showing up right now and I know that feels like warmth in my chest, for example, and when that shows up, that's a sign for me that I'm on the right path. Or say, for example, you might notice that frustration feels like tightness in your stomach or heaviness in your shoulders, and so when you feel that feeling, that feels frustrating, you have this message that's showing up, that's saying, hey, something's not aligned and something needs to change. And the same goes for all the different pairings of the not-self theme and signature. I'm giving you an example from my own personal experience.

Speaker 0:

So an exercise that you can do to get super clear on your signature and not self theme is to think back to situations where you know you felt your not self theme and signature. So say, for example, think back to a time where you felt frustrated or angry or bitter or disappointment, and where did you feel that in your body angry or bitter or disappointment. And where did you feel that in your body, what sensations did you feel when you felt that frustration or anger or bitterness or disappointment. And different events and situations might have slightly different feelings and sensations that are associated with those feelings of your not-self theme as well. The same with your signature. So also think back to when you felt satisfied or at peace, you felt success, you felt surprise, and where did you feel that in your body, what sensations did you have? Different situations might have different feelings.

Speaker 0:

It can be helpful to write notes, keep track until you truly familiarize yourself with these. So that's area number one to look at, at your human design chart to better understand your own personal intuition, right. So to review, look at your not-self theme and your signature and those are your ultimate red and green flag feelings. And the second thing that we're going to talk about on your human design chart that can help you really tune into your intuition and make the most aligned decisions for yourself is to look at your authority. Your authority, and operating in a way that you are taking your authority into consideration is going to help you make more aligned decisions, especially in your business. So I'm going to give you a really quick rundown of the different authorities, what to pay attention to and how to use this to your benefit when you're making decisions. So the first authority that I'm going to talk about, because it's the most common in our population, is emotional authority. Emotional authority comprises about 47 to 50 percent of the population, so that's a pretty big chunk of the population.

Speaker 0:

Another name for this is solar plexus, and this happens when, on your human design chart, if your solar plexus is defined and your solar plexus is found on the right hand side, it's like a brown triangle. Your solar plexus is where emotions are. When it is not defined, you pick up on everybody else's emotions. My solar plexus is not defined, so I can definitely say that that is true. If you have an emotional authority, it means that that solar plexus is defined so that it's colored in brown, and what that means is you don't necessarily pick up on other people's emotions, but what happens is you have this experience of feeling waves of emotion within yourself as you move through your day. So, as you move through your day, you're going to be it's kind of like a roller coaster going up and down. You're going to have all these different emotional waves and all kinds of nuances that come with experiencing all the different highs and lows of all the emotional waves that you move through and, as you do, you pick up information over time as you move through all of these different emotions.

Speaker 0:

If you have an emotional authority, this is really important for you to take your time making decisions. You need to have emotional clarity before making a decision and it's really helpful to move through a whole series of emotional waves and pick up all the information that comes with all of the waves before making a decision. And this is where that term sleep on it actually is to your benefit. If you have an emotional authority, take the day to feel your feelings, pick up all the emotion that comes with it as you're making your decision. How does that decision feel with all the different emotions that you move through, sleep on it and then see how you feel after you've moved through all of those feelings, how you feel about that decision and whether or not they're big or small decisions. You might need smaller or larger periods of time. So if you've got really small decisions to make, you know you might only need to give yourself a few minutes or a few hours of moving through sitting with emotion before you find some clarity. Sleeping on it is really good for larger decisions and if you've got really impactful, life-changing decisions to make, give yourself at least a week to come to clarity and move through all the different emotions that come through and that you ride during that week.

Speaker 0:

If you don't wait, if you feel rushed to make a decision, and especially if you make a decision when you're on an emotional high and you haven't felt all the different types of emotions, you might find that you regret the decision later, especially if later on you're in an emotional low and then you're sitting with all the regret. You might find that if you make a snap decision without feeling through it all, then you might find with that decision that you've made that nothing feels like it's working out, nothing feels right. But here's the thing is, you'll probably never get to 100% certainty on a decision if you have emotional authority. But if you can get yourself to 70 to 80% certain, you can trust that it's aligned for you right. And the reason for that is because you have to move through so many emotions and with the different emotions you might be feeling and thinking different things. Take that time to ride the highs and lows of your emotional wave so that you arrive to a neutral point where you feel mostly decided. So that's emotional authority, or solar plexus authority, and probably most of you listening to this will probably fall into this category because it makes such a large percentage of the population.

Speaker 0:

The second most popular category is sacral authority. That makes up about 29 to 35 percent of the population and most people who have a sacral authority are either generators or manifesting generators. I, as a generator, have a sacral authority myself. So sacral authority is all about gut decisions. It's usually instant, it's like gut knowing, and usually there's some sort of like guttural sound that can be associated with this. You've probably heard this before if you know anything about human design. A guttural sound, for example, is like uh-huh or uh-uh. It can be really helpful to tune in to that sound, verbalize the sound or mentally verbalize the sound and see how it feels when you say it.

Speaker 0:

So for me, when I first started learning about this, I would say it out loud and I would get a really good sense as to when I would say uh-huh or uh-uh, which one was the thing that instinctively felt right for me to say, depending on the decision. And so now I don't actually verbalize uh-huh or uh-uh, I say it in my head Because I've had some practice with it. It's enough for me to be able to connect with my sacral and understand which one feels most aligned. Now this is the thing is, if you think about like uh-huh and uh-uh, so many of us, especially as children, have been conditioned to believe that it's really rude to say uh-uh or uh-huh, right, and so many of us have, especially if we are sacral, have been deconditioned to trust our sacral because we've been programmed to believe that it's rude to say uh-huh or uh-uh.

Speaker 0:

So part of your work, if you do have sacral authority, if you are not connected to guttural sounds, if you've deconditioned yourself away from trusting them, is to practice and give yourself permission to say these things without thinking that it's rude. It can be helpful to practice connecting to your sacral response with safe people, people that you know aren't going to judge you or aren't going to try to change your mind, is to get them to ask you yes or no questions. And connect with that gut feeling. Use your uh-huh or uh-uh and practice. Use obvious yes or no questions where you already know the answer to it already first, and that will help you to really get used to trusting that guttural feeling. And as you do and as you practice, the feeling will become more and more obvious to you.

Speaker 0:

And here's something to consider if you have a sacral authority, if you have any hesitation in generating a response, the answer is probably no right, especially because so many of us have been playing out patterns of people pleasing and shoulds, like, oh, but I should be doing this, and so we can tend to override that sacral response. We want to say uh-uh, but what are people going to think? They're going to get disappointed, but I should be doing this. It just makes sense, right? So then we like don't want to say no or we don't want to say uh-uh, so we just kind of hesitate and we don't give a response likely, the answer is no. If it's not a heck yes right away. It's probably no when it comes to having a sacral response. I've had to learn this the hard way.

Speaker 0:

The next authority on the list here is splenic authority. This comprises about 8 to 11% of the population and if you have a splenic authority, you're probably a manifester or a projector. Splenic authority is the most intuitive. You are deeply connected with your intuitive sense of awareness and you get like this instant hit of knowing. So here's the thing about the splenic authority the spleen will speak to you once. It'll say it once and it's going to move on and, just like I mentioned in yesterday's lesson about the voice of your intuition, it's going to speak softly, it's not going to yell at you, it's not going to be forceful, it's going to be gentle, it's going to be soft and it's going to say it once. So it's really important for you to pay attention and recognize when your intuition is speaking, how it speaks, and to trust it, because it's not going to keep repeating. Now here's the thing with splenic authority especially when you don't fully trust your splenic authority is that you might notice that you get this spontaneous ping of inner intuitive knowing, but then your mind takes over and you've got all these fear-based questions and doubts and worries? You're second guessing the quiet, intuitive response, and so it's really important to A practice, trusting that gentle voice that's showing up as your intuition, and to tell your mind to take a backseat instead of delving into doubtful questioning. So, as a reminder, you are not your thoughts, you are the observer of your thoughts, and I know this can be a practice and I don't have the time, unfortunately, to go into it in today's lesson but you can instruct your thoughts to take a backseat. The more you trust that initial intuitive ping, the more aligned your decisions will be.

Speaker 0:

The next authority is environment or no inner authority, and this is about 1.6 to 3.5% of the population. If you have environmental authority or environment authority, then being in the right environment is so, so, so important for you. Most of your centers below the throat are going to be open, so you're picking up on things in your environment, and if the environment you're in is wrong, that means that the people in your environment are also going to be wrong. They're not going to be aligned and you need to be speaking to people as sounding boards to help you speak out your decision. So you need to be connected to the right environment so that you can be connected to the right people. So, first and foremost, you must always ask yourself if you're in the right environment. Does it feel aligned? And this is where tuning into your green and red flag feelings is super important, especially your ultimate green and red flag feelings, those being your signature and your not-self theme. And then put yourself in the right environment and then first receive guidance from sensory information from the environment around you. Pick up on the sensations and the feelings that you're getting to help you to make your decision, and then use other people who are in this right environment as sounding boards. Use them as a sounding board so that you can hear your own voice. You don't need other people to present you with a solution. They just need to be present for you as you speak it out, so you can hear yourself, process out, so that you can make the best decision for yourself.

Speaker 0:

A self-projected authority is about 1.7 to 2.8 percent of the population. This is also important for you to speak out your thoughts and your truth. If you have a self-projected authority, you need to speak out loud your thoughts to somebody else and to make sure to let them know. Hey, I don't need a solution from you. I just need you to sit and listen so I can talk through this. And when you talk through this, it's really important not to filter what you say. Let it all come out. Don't try to control it. Don't try to filter it. Let it all come out so you can hear it. Try to filter it. Let it all come out so you can hear it as you're hearing yourself speak. Don't use your mind to make the decision. Just embrace listening to what you're saying without thinking about it or relying on your mind. Speak it out and you will see, as you just speak it out without trying to assess it, that you're going to figure it out as you're speaking.

Speaker 0:

So the next one is ego authority, and this is about 1 to 1.3% of the population, and with ego authority, there's a lot of spontaneity in the moment with your movements. The voice of your ego will speak or move the body if you allow it to do so, and so it's about trusting the movements that your body just instinctively wants to do, as well as trusting the words that come out that you're speaking. And again, just like with self-projected authority, you don't want to control what's coming out of you. Just speak unfiltered and listen to it. Get out of your head. Don't allow your thoughts to override your body and your voice. Just trust that it will come together as you speak and as you allow your body to instinctively move.

Speaker 0:

And then, finally, is the lunar cycle authority, and this makes up about 0.7 to 1.3% of the population. So there's not many, and this is because anybody who has a lunar cycle authority is going to be a reflector, and reflectors only make up about 1% of the population, right? So if you are a reflector, you have no defined centers. Your chart looks completely white. There is no centers that are filled in with any colors, and, as a reflector, you are a mirror to your environment. So it's really important to find people and places that bring you delight, ease, joy and a sense of surprise right your signature and that don't disappoint you. Right, because that's your ultimate red flag feeling.

Speaker 0:

Now, with a lunar cycle authority, what's really important for you is that the moon has a particularly strong impact on you. It can be really helpful, especially with big decisions. Make those decisions over time as you allow a complete and full cycle of the moon. So, especially with big decisions, wait 28 and a half days. Wait through the full lunar cycle is going to help you to make the most aligned decision that feels best for you, and it's kind of like with the emotional authority that I mentioned. The first one right, you have to move through a full wave of emotions before you come to a decision. If you have a lunar cycle authority, it's optimal for you to move through an entire full lunar cycle before you make your decision.

Speaker 0:

My mother-in-law is a reflector and has lunar cycle authority and, of course, I've explained all about this to her. She agreed that the moon plays a huge role for her and she always feels distinctly drawn to the moon, and she told me that when she needs to make a big decision, she'll go out in the evening when the moon is out and she'll sit under the moon and look at the moon while she's pondering her decision. And I think that's beautiful, that she's connected with her design without knowing anything about it, and I do find that this tends to happen. And what I love about human design is it's just a helpful confirmation so that you can trust these things about yourself instead of questioning them or thinking oh you know, is this actually true, is this a thing? This is how I think I'm working, but I'm not sure. Understanding your design can be helpful to confirm these things. You already know Now what I always tell my clients take everything with a grain of salt, take what you need, leave the rest behind.

Speaker 0:

If there's something that doesn't feel aligned for you, you need to follow what feels good to you and what feels aligned.

Speaker 0:

However, what I do tend to see is, when I do explain these concepts of your authority, your not-self theme, these concepts of your authority, your not-self theme and your signature in terms of you connecting more deeply with your intuition and how to most optimally make aligned decisions for yourself, I have not encountered anyone who doesn't feel that this fits for them.

Speaker 0:

Hopefully, this gives you some helpful information to continue to more accurately connect with your intuition and make more aligned decisions for yourself in your life, in your relationships, in your business.

Speaker 0:

And the more and more you connect with these things, the more you're going to get closer to giving yourself that next intuitive business breakthrough you're looking for, so that your work can feel deeply and nourishingly aligned to your deepest soul purpose, while you make the biggest and most meaningful impact with your work and, of course, receive abundant financial success while doing it. So that's it for the day three training lesson. I hope that this was interesting for you. Again, if you haven't signed up for the whole training series, I highly suggest that you do. You can use the link in the show notes and you're going to receive one email a day for five days with links to each of the training lessons, as well as additional resources that you can use to help to support yourself to more deeply align with your intuition and your own intuitive decision making skills, to give you that next intuitive business breakthrough. I look forward to speaking to you again tomorrow.