Inner Purpose Podcast

Unleashing Your Fullest Potential for Your Biggest Breakthrough as a Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur (Part 5)

Michelle Dowker Season 1 Episode 14

Welcome to the final day of Your Next Intuitive Business Breakthrough training series! I'm sharing foundational power tools, insights, and perspective shifts that have guided me and my clients towards greater clarity, intuition, and business success.

Do you ever feel like you're navigating your entrepreneurial journey without a clear sense of direction? Are you sacrificing your authenticity to fit into traditional business models?

If these questions resonate with you, you're not alone. Many highly sensitive entrepreneurs like you desire to feel fulfilled and aligned with their purpose, both personally and professionally.

During this episode, we'll dive into practical steps and guidance on how to deepen your connection with your intuition and inner knowing. Whether you've been told there's nothing more to do because you're already self-aware or you're struggling to align your business with your sensitive nature, this episode is packed with strategies to help you thrive.

Discover how to create a positive and supportive environment for yourself and your business, make impactful decisions aligned with your values, and leave a meaningful legacy. You'll gain clarity on how to operate from your fullest potential, achieve success on your terms, and inspire others to do the same.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back. You have made it to day five of the training series, your Next Intuitive Business Breakthrough. I celebrate you for making the whole week and listening to all the episodes. If you've been following along, and if you haven't been following along and you're just coming across this episode, know that there are four episodes prior to this one that build on guiding you to more deeply connect with your own intuitive knowing so that you can have your own breakthroughs in your business, to help you understand the direction you want to go, the decisions that you want to make and how you truly want to be operating your business in a way that works for you and your deepest sole purpose. If you're interested in listening to the other episodes, you can go back and listen to all the different parts before this one if you like, but this is a good standalone session all on its own, and if you want to go through them in order, I suggest that you use the link in the show notes to sign up for the training series and you'll receive one email a day for five days with links to each of the trainings as well. You'll receive some additional resources in the emails to support what you're going to be learning in the training. So so far this week, the beginning of the week was teaching you a few concepts and tools that I used myself and teach my own one-on-one clients to help you start getting in tune with your own intuitive knowing. And even if you are already in tune with your intuitive knowing, this helps you to deepen it. And I do suggest that, even if you've already done some personal development work and foundational work before on yourself, every time that you do these exercises and the things that I've suggested in the first three days, you're going to see another layer that maybe was not visible before. You're going to see another layer that maybe was not visible before, because every time you go through this content and do these types of exercises, it helps you to widen your perspective a little bit more. Every single time I see this over and over again, even with clients that I've been seeing for months and years, and we revisit some of these exercises later down the road and they go wow, how did I not see that before?

Speaker 1:

It's because this is how this work works, especially when, if you have been operating from stress mode, if you've been operating from survival mode, what that typically ends up making us do is only see a portion of what's actually going on. We have a very limited perspective because when you're in survival mode you're really just focused on what's in front of you, because that's all you can focus on, because all of your resources are being put towards trying to survive. So it's kind of like looking through a peephole, and so you can only see so much of what is actually going on. You can only see a tiny little dot of the bigger picture. And so doing these exercises and getting you connected with your intuition and your nervous system and how you operate in particular, and the language of your and the language of your body and the language of your intuition and how your design works, the more you're going to be able to widen that perspective for yourself, the more you're going to be able to step back from being in survival mode and start to see what else is possible, start to see what else exists, because there's always more to see. Consciousness is infinite and we can only see a small sliver of everything that's possible. But as you deepen your connection with yourself, you can widen that perspective to see more and more of what's possible. So, again, days one to three were about using some tools and some practices to start to get to know your nervous system, your language of your intuition. What is your intuition and what's not your intuition? What are some of the signs that maybe something feels aligned and something doesn't feel aligned? What, according to your human design, is your most optimal way to make decisions and what your optimal green and red flag feelings are, according to your human design?

Speaker 1:

And then we switched gears as we went into lesson four that was yesterday and I spoke about the importance of developing self-compassion and how that is the root of so much. It truly is the root to changing how you see yourself, and when you change the way you look at things, the things that you look at change, especially yourself. It changes your relationship to your intuition and how much you trust your intuitive knowing and trust yourself and accept yourself. And it also changes how you show up in the world, in your work, in relationship to others, and it impacts the state of your nervous system. And this is key and I've seen this over and over again, not only when it comes to making intuitive decisions, not only when it comes to how you're operating in your business, but also how you're operating in relationships and also the state of your health, and this goes back to my previous versions of my work before I pivoted to what I do now.

Speaker 1:

It's always been the same root that your inner emotional terrain, the level of connection that you have to yourself, the level of compassion you have for yourself and how much you accept yourself and own who you are and operate in an authentic way that aligns with who you are and what you actually want. These are the roots that impact your nervous system, and your nervous system is the bridge that impacts every single physiological system in your body. And that's why this deeper inner work had such a profound effect on the people that I used to help when it came to managing their chronic illnesses like autoimmunity and endometriosis. And this deeper inner work also has a huge profound effect on you, especially if you are a highly sensitive entrepreneur, in terms of the level of success and functionality that you have in your business, as well as how much you're enjoying what you're doing. And it's shown that when you do this work to accept yourself and do the work to accommodate your needs, and you do the work to step into your deepest sense of purpose, using your intuition and owning your sensitive gifts and leveraging them in your work, because you're just 20% of the population. You have a leg up compared to 80% of the population that does not have as much access to these sensitive gifts that you do.

Speaker 1:

And also the research proves that when you come from this place of acceptance, positive support from the inside and around you, that the research shows that, as a highly sensitive person, you are going to thrive more than a less sensitive person who also does this work to support themselves from the inside out, and that should be leveraged. That is a life hack for a highly sensitive person, if I've ever seen one, and the reason why this is so important is being a highly sensitive person is considered a meta personality trait, and so that means when we're in a negatively supportive environment, we're going to be maladaptive. We're going to have some challenges and struggles, and it's going to be difficult. And the more unsupportive your environment is, both externally and internally, you're going to struggle, you're going to operate from survival mode. But this meta trait means that when you are in a supportive environment both around you and within you, then you will thrive and thrive you will, and this is how you can contribute that deep, meaningful, positive impact that you want to be creating and contributing to in this world for the people that you know that you're destined to serve, and this is why it's so important as a highly sensitive entrepreneur, these things are not just a nice to have.

Speaker 1:

This is actually your responsibility If you want to be making that positive impact that you know that you're here to make in this world. Doing these things for yourself is your responsibility. It's not woo-woo, it's not selfish, it's not weird, it's not fluffy. To be doing this work to connect to your intuition, to regulate your nervous system, to accept yourself from the inside out with self-compassion and to accommodate your sensitive needs so that you're working at your fullest potential and fullest capacity. This is your responsibility. This is your responsibility to how you can contribute that meaningful impact, to positively impact the world the way that you know that you want to be doing it. Today, I'm going to go through some of the steps involved in really owning this and stepping into that next level of your business and doing business on your terms, so that you can be making that meaningful impact with the fullest level of success, as well as being connected with your joy and your deepest soul purpose. So I'll give you an overview of what that entails and how to do this for yourself.

Speaker 1:

So, if you haven't already gotten the message already, the first thing always that I address with my clients in all of my online programs is nervous system first. If you have ever registered for any of my online programs, you always see that there's always nervous system prep work, and that's because it sets you up so that everything else that we do afterwards works better and that you'll be able to take in everything else and integrate it. And studies prove that nervous system support is beneficial and important for so many things, including your ability to connect with your intuition, your ability to self-regulate, your overall general wellness and well-being and that impacts your energy, your focus, your concentration and your ability to do your work. And for nervous system support. There's a variety of different tools and exercises that you can do to support your nervous system to widen your window of tolerance, to improve your vagal tone and to minimize allostatic overload. Things like deep breathing and mindful awareness and meditation, and different activities like gargling, cold water exposure. These things can be helpful. Now, different exercises are beneficial for different types of people, and so it can be helpful to personalize which approaches are going to work best for you, although I always find that deep breathing, especially alternate nostril breathing, tends to be a very impactful way that everybody tends to find benefit from, and so I always suggest starting there.

Speaker 1:

Now, here's the thing with nervous system support is that these activities on their own, without addressing the deeper pillars that I'm going to be talking about and that I've talked about this week, they'll help. They're going to help you feel better, they're going to help to support vagal tone, but they're only going to get you so far if you don't address the deeper roots. And this is why nervous system support comes first, and it's an important foundation. But we don't stop there Because, as laid out in lesson four yesterday, if you do these nervous system support exercises, yeah, you're going to feel better, maybe a little bit calmer, maybe a little bit more ability to focus, a little bit more energy.

Speaker 1:

But if you don't address, say for example, the level of compassion that you have for yourself and you're lacking in that department, and you're always criticizing yourself, you're always upset with yourself, you're always judging yourself, hard on yourself, putting constant pressure on yourself, then that puts constant pressure on your nervous system. Constant pressure on yourself, then that puts constant pressure on your nervous system. And so, yeah, the nervous system support activities and exercises are going to help that. But then what happens when you stop doing those nervous system support activities, if you don't address the underlying root of this constant pressure that you're putting on your nervous system from within yourself? And what tends to happen is, if you stop the nervous system regulation activities, you end up back where you were feeling before. Even if you continue on with these nervous system regulation activities, they're only going to take you so far, because there's always going to be this constant pressure that will minimize the level of benefit that these activities can deliver to you.

Speaker 1:

And here's the thing and I've mentioned this in a previous podcast episode a few weeks back is that what I tend to notice when I guide people through my methodology, the inner liberation method, is that while my clients do tend to rely a lot on the tools and exercises at the very beginning, as they move through supporting their inner emotional terrain and change their perspective and change how they relate to themselves and change that inner emotional terrain from within, that they find that they don't need to rely on those tools anymore to support their nervous system because they naturally just feel grounded and connected from within yourself, and this is the deeper work In my methodology that I guide my clients through. As I mentioned, nervous system is just the start and there's so many more layers to go, and the next step is about really learning how to understand and know yourself so much more clearly and hopefully this week you've learned how to know yourself a little bit more in terms of what the language of your intuition is saying, and it can be really helpful to understand your design, like your human design and astrology. I find these to be really helpful ways to understand who you are, what your strengths are, what the challenges are that you likely encountered in your lifetime, what your inner soul purpose is all about, what direction you're going in this lifetime and what your biggest gifts are. It's also really helpful to do the work to really understand what your deepest desires really are and your values that you hold near and dear to your heart, because these are the things that are going to help lead you in the direction that feels most aligned for you. As you continue to use your intuition as your inner compass. The more you know yourself, the more you know who you are and what you truly want, the easier it becomes for you to be making the decisions that feel truly aligned, especially when it comes to the decisions for your business and your work and the direction that you're going with those. I also find understanding your personality type can be really helpful.

Speaker 1:

I really like the 16 personalities or the Myers-Briggs personality type testing. I oftentimes suggest that my clients go to 16personalitiescom. You can do a free test there if you haven't done your Myers-Briggs or 16 personalities type test. And understanding your personality can be really helpful to understand how you interact with other people, what drives you in terms of your intermission and what work environments and career options are most likely to be aligned for you. And once I started getting my clients to do the 16 personalities test, I was finding a really interesting trend was unfolding. A large proportion of my one-on-one clients tend to score as INFJ. If they aren't INFJ, a large proportion of them tend to score I blank, f blank.

Speaker 1:

So whether that be INFP, isfp, isfj or INFJ, there's this tendency to be in that particular subset of the personality population and understanding this about themselves tends to be really helpful as part of accepting who they are and why there's this tendency to prefer depth. It's part of our processing, it's part of how we're wired and it also causes us to tend to feel like we don't fit in, because most people don't operate in this way. But the more we understand these traits about ourselves and understand that we do make up a small percentage of the population, and especially INFJs, because they're the smallest percentage of the population, especially women. In general, infjs make up about one to two percent of the population, especially women. In general, infjs make up about 1-2% of the population and a very small percentage of that is women, and that tends to be the largest amount of people that end up showing up in my world, both with clients and with my friends and my own mentors and coaches.

Speaker 1:

When I started asking around, it turns out that most people in my world are INFJ. I've been told I'm kind of like the INFJ whisperer. I myself am an INFP, but after doing some reading about it, it seems that INFPs really get INFJs and we tend to be get INFJs and we tend to be INFPs and INFJs tend to be besties. And looking at my own personal experience, I'd have to say that that's true. Now, of course, with everything, take everything with a grain of salt, take what you need and leave the rest behind. That comes for myself and anything that I share or teach here, as well as any other resources that you find.

Speaker 1:

But all of these things can help you understand some of the different pieces of your personal puzzle and the more pieces that you put together. That's how you can see the bigger picture more clearly, and it can also be really helpful to understand how you are wired, especially if you're a highly sensitive person, which is considered to be a neurodivergent trait. What that means is that your nervous system and your brain is wired a little bit differently than the neurotypical or holistic population, and understanding this about yourself can really help you to know who you actually are and how you function and how you think and how you respond, because a lot of it is going to likely be different than 80% of the population. And the more you understand yourself, then, the more you can feel confident in who you are and why you think and react and believe what you do. And then, of course, this helps you to develop more self-compassion, as we talked about in yesterday's episode, and this is the thing right, especially for those of us who are highly sensitive people.

Speaker 1:

So many of us have been programmed to believe that that sensitivity is a flaw, that that sensitivity is too much, that we need to change or hide these things about us. And, of course, we will not have an optimal level of self-compassion when we believe these things about ourselves. And so when you understand oh actually, that's just who I am and that's how I'm wired that can help you to start to develop more self-compassion for yourself. And your relationship with yourself dictates the quality of every other relationship in your life, including your relationship with your business. And, just to reiterate, if you do have a poor level of self-compassion, your inner emotional terrain is going to be out of balance and that can impact your nervous system state and that then can impact your decisions and how you show up for life and how you show up in your business, for yourself, for your clients, for your employees, everything this deeper work of really setting up a strong foundation of self-compassion for yourself, this is how you can set up a positive, supportive environment from the inside right.

Speaker 1:

So I've spoke yesterday about how putting yourself in positive, supportive environments as a highly sensitive person actually enables you to thrive, and thrive more so than a less sensitive person who puts themselves in a positive, supportive environment. And that self-compassion and shifting that inner emotional terrain to a more positively supportive inner environment is part of the puzzle, and it's a very important puzzle piece. It's actually, I believe, more important than all of the external positive support that you are going to create for yourself, because what I tend to see is when we just look at the external but we haven't done the work to shift the internal, then we're in this constant vicious cycle of seeking and chasing external things to give us that sensation and that feeling and fulfillment that really needs to come from the inside first, and of course I know this because I've been there. When I first started as a naturopathic doctor, I thought that having the title of doctor and everyone calling me doctor was going to be the thing that helped me feel valuable and helped me feel good about myself, and I quickly realized that that doesn't give me the feeling of fulfillment that I truly desired, because I needed to find it from the inside first, starting with compassion for myself, and so this self-compassion is the developing the positive, supportive environment from the inside, and then the other piece to this is developing a positive supportive environment externally around yourself, and one of the ways to do this, especially in your business, is to establish the terms and conditions to do business your way, especially as a sensitive entrepreneur. This might look different for everybody, depending on who you are, what you want, what your needs are, where you're at in terms of how your body functions, the level of energy that you have. Some examples here might be, first of all, adjusting your environment for your sensory needs, and so that might mean making adjustments to your office, for example, and the lighting, the sounds, the location. It might mean making a makeover to your schedule, allowing yourself to have time to yourself, time to integrate time between clients, for example.

Speaker 1:

I know for myself I used to see back-to-back clients and I would have just enough time in between my patients when I was a naturopathic doctor to run to the washroom before I had to go and pick up my next patient, and I see now how unsupportive that was. I'm a 6-2 generator in human design and that two line needs a lot of alone time. I need that alone time to bring myself back to center. I've discovered I need time in between my clients, and that's one example of a schedule makeover that I've made for myself is to make sure that on my schedule I block it out so that I have enough time in between seeing clients, that I can recenter myself, that I have enough time to go outside into nature, do some breathing, maybe have something to eat, and all of these things are supportive for me so that I can show up at my best when I am connected to my client. That's in front of me and that's important. That's important to help my client get the best results from working with me is making sure that I'm showing up at my best and showing up at my best research shows it for a highly sensitive person making sure that you are in a supportive environment, both inside and around you, with your environment, with your schedule, as well as establishing healthy boundaries.

Speaker 1:

So where is your line in the sand of the things that you are going to tolerate and not tolerate? What are your rules of engagement in your work, how you're going to work, how you're going to connect with clients and then, who are you going to work with, the type of clientele that's most aligned for you and the focus of your work, the niche, and how that aligns with your mission, vision and purpose. A really great example of this I've gone into detail in. I think it was the second podcast episode of season one and I spoke about how I made pivots to the type of work and the clientele that I'm working with that feels most aligned for me, at the stage of where I'm at, with my own personal evolution. And this is the thing especially for those of us who are highly sensitive people, there's this strong tendency to want to go deep.

Speaker 1:

We're very complex and there's also this strong desire for many of us to grow and evolve. And as we grow and evolve, there can be this tendency to notice that where our business is when we were at an earlier version of ourselves is no longer aligned with where we are now as we're growing and evolving. And so part of setting up a positive, supportive environment externally and establishing the terms and conditions to do business, your way is to give yourself permission to evolve your business along with you as you're evolving, making the pivots and changes and shifts, so that it still feels aligned with the type of work, the clientele, how you're working and your own personal mission, vision and purpose. As you're doing this work to support your inner emotional terrain, your inner environment and your external environment and you're getting to know yourself better, you're also getting to know the special gifts and strengths that you have and especially as a highly sensitive person, you have specific gifts that you can more deeply develop and master so that they become skills that you can leverage over and above what your professional skills alone can deliver. And so some examples of sensitive gifts that you can master as your sensitive skills are things like a high level of intuitiveness.

Speaker 1:

As a highly sensitive person, we naturally have a more deep connection to our intuition, and this week I've been giving you a starting point on how to more deeply connect to your own intuitive knowing. And, of course, as I mentioned in yesterday's training, the more and more supportive your inner emotional terrain is, the more and more connection to your intuition you will have. And other gifts associated with being a highly sensitive person include pattern recognition, out-of-the-box problem solving, empathy, picking up on subtle nuances others can't seem to detect, and even psychic abilities, and these are the skills that will provide innovative solutions and healing beyond what your professional skills alone can deliver. And as you master and leverage these sensitive skills in your work, you have even more accurate and aligned decision making for yourself, moving forward in your business, as well as the ability to facilitate even bigger client results beyond anything that you've seen before, and I can personally attest to this. I spoke a little bit about this in yesterday's episode, about how my intuition opened up and I connected with my intuition.

Speaker 1:

Once I was able to establish that self-compassion piece, just how much more impactful and phenomenal my client results were because of that connection to my intuition and what I was able to facilitate for them through picking up on intuitive and clairvoyant knowing, but also my ability to guide them to their own intuitive knowing, because I can only take people as far as I've gone and the more that you can master these skills for yourself, you can use these to facilitate bigger client results, provide even more creative and innovative solutions, as well as the further you go on your journey of being able to master your skills, if you're working with people who also want to do the same for themselves, it behooves you to keep on going on this path of mastering these sensitive skills for yourself so that you can lead the way by example. And as you do this, as you do this work of connecting with yourself and developing that self-compassion and really getting to know who you are and operating from this place of authentic connection, connected to your deepest mission and purpose, and shining your light like a lighthouse for the people that you're destined to be serving, leading by example, being the change that you wish to see in the world. This is how you can make that meaningful impact for the people that you know that you're here to serve, and this is how you can facilitate even more life-changing results that not only improve their lives, but the lives of the people that they connect with and serve, and this creates a ripple effect in humanity. And that's why this work is so important for me working with highly sensitive entrepreneurs so that you can master your sensitive skills, so that you can fully thrive at your fullest potential, because that's how you can go off and have that important and meaningful impact to the people you serve. And this is how I feel I can have the deepest impact is helping you so that, when you are operating out of your fullest potential, you can facilitate even bigger impact for the people that you are serving, and those people are then going to be able to facilitate a meaningful impact for the people that they're connected with. And this is how you can leave a meaningful legacy, and it always starts with you, and you impact the people around you without even saying a word, so even if you're not speaking to them outside of what you say.

Speaker 1:

As you develop higher coherence with your nervous system, heart rate variability, better regulation, you're operating from your center, you're fulfilling your potential and you're following your sole purpose, you will inspire, lead, heal and contribute to the lifting of consciousness for better well-being, health and harmony, individually and collectively, and this reasoning is even mentioned in the scientific research. This is how important it is, and it's a truth and it's a fact, and this is why it's your responsibility to own all of this, to do this deeper inner work, to create that positive, supportive environment from the inside and the outside. Leverage your sensitive gifts as skills over and above your professional skills, because this is what gives you a leg up, over and above what 80% of the population, who are not highly sensitive, are able to facilitate. This is how you make the more deeply meaningful impact that you know that you're here to make for the people that you're destined to, and this is how you will feel most satisfied and fulfilled with what you're doing feeling energized and passionate. And when you feel satisfied and fulfilled, this increases your energy, it reduces your tendency to feel drained, and this is how you can operate from your fullest potential, both physically and emotionally and spiritually to deliver that greater impact that you know that you want to be delivering.

Speaker 1:

And success is a byproduct of all of this. Being well compensated for your work and having financial success is part of this as well. And the thing typically when we're first starting our business, we're chasing the financial success, and it's important what my clients. They tend to get to this point where financial success isn't enough anymore. Yeah, it's great, it's great to earn money, but it's just not enough anymore. There's something deeper that they want to fulfill, connected with their purpose, connected with who they really want to be, what they really want to be doing and making that meaningful impact that they know they want to be making, while also being financially successful.

Speaker 1:

And so that makes me think of a story of one of my clients who had been working in a business that she discovered over time did not align with her values. It was becoming increasingly obvious that the owner of this company had the bank account as their primary focus and that earning money was more important than the service that they were providing or the people that they were serving. And my client had put her everything into working there, to the point of losing her own sense of who she was and what she actually wants. But she knew that it did not feel aligned for her to be working in this company who didn't actually care about their clients and the service that they were providing. They only cared about the money. Through the work that she and I did together, she connected more deeply with her intuitive sense. She got clear on what her personal mission and vision was for herself and identified the direction that she wanted to go, which was actually the complete opposite direction of the company that she was working for. So she decided that she was going to leave and started her own company based on her own personal vision and values and desire to leave a meaningful impact for the clientele that she serves with her work. And since she's done that, she hasn't looked back since. It just feels so much more aligned for her to be working in that way.

Speaker 1:

Typically, what I find is, once you go through this process of really connecting with who you are and going through that inner liberation method whether it's my particular method or whether you've done your own personal healing work, personal development work you've had an inner awakening of some sort and you come out the other side. There's typically this moment where so many of my clients will then look at their work and look at their business especially if they're an entrepreneur and go. Something doesn't feel aligned anymore and maybe it's because when you first established your business you didn't really know what you wanted and maybe you were operating from those survival mechanisms like the people pleasing and the perfectionism. And now that you are operating from this place of self-compassion and positive inner support, you can see that maybe the ways you were operating in your business and the boundaries that you had or didn't have, and maybe the type of client that you're working with or the type of work that you're doing or the niche that you have might no longer feel aligned to where you are now and maybe they don't feel aligned to your values or your mission or vision. Or maybe you're not even quite sure what your mission and vision is quite yet right. Maybe you have millions of beautiful ideas in your head but you're not quite sure which direction to go, and the more you connect with your intuition it can be helpful. Direction to go, and the more you connect with your intuition it can be helpful.

Speaker 1:

And sometimes you can't see what you can't yet see right. We all have our blind spots and it can be really difficult to see your way out of the forest when you're lost amongst the trees. And this is where it can be really helpful to have that third party perspective to help you see what you can't see. And maybe to take all the puzzle pieces that have been scattered around and you can see the puzzle pieces in front of you but you don't know how they fit together. And this is definitely part of the work that we do together is helping you connect those puzzle pieces, helping you to see the perspectives that you can't yet see. And once you start to see them, and once you see those puzzle pieces put together, you see that bigger picture. It starts to become more and more clear. And I always say once you see it, you can't unsee it. And this is the magic of this work.

Speaker 1:

A large portion of this work is helping you see the wider perspective, help you see what else is possible and help you look at things in a different way. And when you change the way you look at things, like Wayne Dyer said, the things that you look at change the possibilities, the directions understanding what you do and don't want, understanding who you really are, understanding the direction you actually want to be going, and you might discover that the direction you want to go looks nothing like the direction you've been trying to force yourself to go or the direction that you expected that you were going to be going when you first started on your entrepreneurial journey or whatever journey that you're on. This week, I've given you some tools. I've given you some perspective shifts to consider, to maybe open up the way you're looking at yourself and widen your perspective to see what else is possible for yourself. This is also just a very tiny tip of a very large iceberg.

Speaker 1:

Now, for some of you, you're going to go through these five days and the training sessions during this week, and this might be enough for you to help you move a step forward on your journey with your business, with your purpose, with your mission, with your life, and help you more deeply connect with your intuition so you can make the most aligned decisions with your business and your life, and also to help you most adequately support and facilitate your clients in having the most impactful results that they can, because you're operating from your fullest potential. And so I've put this training out here so that, for some of you, this might feel like all you need right now and I hope for you that this has helped you with another step on your path and for others. You recognize that this is just the tip of the iceberg and that you know that there is so much beyond. You know that you're on this path of personal evolution and self-connection and you know that you have these values of operating from authenticity and integrity and as you are growing and awakening and healing and evolving, you know that you want your business to evolve with you. You know that you want your work to feel fulfilling and connected with your purpose and you know that the fastest way to get there is to have someone walk with you on this journey to help you see what you can't yet see, especially someone who's been on this journey and continues. A highly sensitive entrepreneur who's made the pivots and the shifts and the adjustments to operate my business on my terms, aligned with my values, aligned with my purpose and mission and vision, and make the shifts so that my business works for me as a highly sensitive entrepreneur, so that I can operate from my fullest potential, so that I can provide the deepest level of impact for the people that I know that I'm here to serve and I continue to grow and evolve and my business will continue to grow and evolve with me. I need to lead by example, and I find that the people who move the fastest and get the most mind-blowing insights are those who have done some preliminary, foundational work, whether it be with a therapist or a coach or some form of personal development work, either with someone else or on their own, and you've made progress and you've awakened, and now you're on the other side of a whole new way of operating. And if you know, you know and it's still feeling new and foreign and maybe not completely familiar yet. And there's this thought of okay, so I've awakened now, now what? And I've often had clients who have seen therapists and the therapist told them that there's nothing more that they can do because they're so self-aware.

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And this is especially true for highly sensitive people. We are oftentimes really self-aware and here's the thing there's always more growth, evolution, healing and coming home to yourself that you can do even if you are self-aware. And the people that I feel most aligned and passionate about working with are those people who do have that foundational level of self-awareness and maybe they've been retired from their therapist because the therapist is like, well, there's nothing more I can do. You're already really self-aware. Oh, there is so much more that we can do, and that's the difference between the medical model and the approach that I have.

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This isn't just about helping you to get by. This is about helping you to establish that positive, supportive environment within yourself and around you, because that's how you can operate at your highest potential as a highly sensitive person and you can truly thrive. The science proves it. Can you see how much more you can achieve beyond just getting by? And can you see how much more there is beyond just making a good income as an entrepreneur? Right, making a solid income is important and that's going to help create a sense of stability and security for yourself, and many of the people that I work with have already achieved that milestone, and now they see that there's this deeper, more meaningful milestones that they want to connect with, including doing what they're passionate about feeling purposeful, feeling fulfilled and making that meaningful impact. This process that I've outlined for you here today is such an important key when you come home to yourself, understand yourself, have compassion for yourself and you're connected with who you are and what your mission and vision and purpose is for your lifetime, and you operate from this place unapologetically, because not everybody's going to understand who you are and what you want to be doing and the type of work that you want to be doing, and that's okay. You're not here for everybody, and this was another lesson that I had to learn. I've spoken about it briefly in previous podcast episodes and I'll probably touch on this again because it is an important piece.

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Right when I first started as a naturopathic doctor, I thought I had to be here to help anyone and everyone that shows up in the door, whether it be they have a cold or they want to lose weight, or they've got back pain, or they've got more significant disease diagnoses like cancer, or they've got an autoimmune disease, or whether they're dealing with anxiety or depression. I mean, I'm just giving you a few general examples here, but, as you can see, as a general practitioner, I was expected to work with anyone and everyone, no matter where they are on their path, no matter what they're dealing with, no matter what their goals are and no matter what they are or aren't ready to do for themselves, for their own personal healing. And, as you know from my story that I've shared with you in previous podcast episodes, I've made some major shifts. This is the thing when you are trying to be here for everybody, you're not actually working at your fullest potential. You can't help absolutely everybody, and the more you can hone in on what your specific abilities and skills are that are aligned with what you actually want, what lights you up inside, what's connected with your personal purpose, that's how you can operate from your fullest potential.

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When you decide you are here for a certain subset of the population, not the whole population, and obviously, as you can see me with my work, I focus now on highly sensitive people like me, particularly highly sensitive entrepreneurs, but I do know that people who aren't entrepreneurs are also going to benefit from what I teach here and the work that I do. But particularly my work is on focusing on highly sensitive people, because we make up such a small subset of the population and so many of us have been conditioned to believe that we need to be like everybody else. We need to be like the less sensitive 80 percent and that's what's causing us to not function from our fullest potential. That hinders us, and part of my message is helping fellow highly sensitive people, especially the highly sensitive entrepreneurs, to do business on your terms as a highly sensitive person, because it's going to be different than the 80% of how the 80% are doing it. It's just a fact.

Speaker 1:

So today, as we wrap up the five-day training series, I gave you some insight about how to take some of these beginning exercises and the perspective shifts that I've given you this week, and how to take that so that you can be operating a business and live a life that feels most aligned for you living life and doing business on your terms as a highly sensitive entrepreneur. And how to operate from your fullest potential and really thrive in your life, in your relationships and especially in your business. When you do the things that I've outlined for you here today because the research proves that it makes all the difference in the world and when you do these things, compared to a less sensitive person, you're going to see the benefits, whereas they will likely not see as much benefit from doing any of these things that I've outlined to you. That is because of what is called vantage resistance. When a less sensitive person puts themselves in a positive, supportive environment, they're not going to see a significant change or improvement in level of function and thriving versus the highly sensitive person because of vantage, sensitivity will. And, again, this is why it behooves us as a highly sensitive person which, by the way, I'm really loving that word right now it behooves us to take responsibility and do these things for ourselves, because it does put us in a position to be thriving in our business, in our lives.

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This is how we can make the greatest impact that we know that we're here to make in the world for humanity, through establishing a positive, supportive environment within ourselves and around ourselves, making sure that we're doing business on our terms, not on other people's terms, and mastering your sensitive skills and leveraging that over and above your professional skills, because that is going to help you facilitate an even bigger impact for the people that you know that you're here to serve and leave that meaningful legacy that you know that you want to be making, not only for yourself, but for your lineage, for consciousness and the people around you and for the collective. And the more you do this, starting with you first, you can make that impact for others. It always starts with you and, as I've said, some of you listening to this are going to take what you've learned this week and run with it, and this will give you a piece of the puzzle to move forward on your path towards achieving the goals that you know you want to be achieving, feeling aligned and fulfilled and satisfied with the work that you're doing. And for others, you know that this is the tip of an even bigger iceberg and this resonates with you and you can see that you want to go further and you want someone to help you find that deeper level of clarity for yourself, help you to master those sensitive skills for yourself, help you to deepen your level of self-compassion for yourself and help you to move forward, up leveling your business so that you do leave that meaningful legacy that you know you want to be making with your work, that meaningful legacy that you know you want to be making with your work for yourself and for the world. If that sounds like you, if you're the latter and you know that you feel driven to keep moving forward and this type of approach feels aligned for you and this is what you want to be doing, and you want to have someone to help you to see those puzzle pieces you can't see and help you put those puzzle pieces together that you do know that you have sitting in front of you but you don't know what order they go. This is where I come in. I only work with a limited number of people at a time so that I can operate from my fullest potential and be at my 100% for you, so that I can use my sensitive skills to help you put your puzzle pieces together and move forward and connect with yourself more deeply and effectively and help you do all of this faster than if you try to figure it out on your own. It does take a level of commitment to yourself, to your vision and your purpose and your mission. There is a level of commitment to make in order to achieve these things, to take responsibility for the things that I've mentioned here today. And when you do, magic truly does happen.

Speaker 1:

And if you're listening to this and you know this to be true and you know that you are ready for this next step on your journey and you're looking for someone to guide you, there's currently two ways that you can work with me. The first way is through an intuitive business breakthrough reading. So with that option, it's one session. It lasts an hour. You fill out a questionnaire beforehand so that I can get a good idea of who you are, what your goals are and what is your burning question that you would like to have an answer to by the end of your intuitive reading with me? And so at the beginning of the session I ask you what is one question that you would like to have an answer to? And we work through helping you to put your puzzle pieces together so that you can see the answer much more clearly and definitively by the end of your session. And then afterwards we have two days together over Voxer so that we can continue to get deeper clarity. You can ask me questions, I can help you process and integrate and come up with the next action steps for you, the concrete and practical steps for you to take in order to implement that next step and the answer to the question that you had. That's what a single intuitive business breakthrough reading is all about.

Speaker 1:

But, of course, what I see from experience I mean, I've been working with people one-on-one for almost 15 years and I can see over and over again that the magic really happens over time, when we have the time to get to know each other. So I can help you more fully connect with yourself and I can fully get a greater sense of who you really are and also have that time in between sessions so that you can integrate and process and keep evolving and then come back at the next session with another level of clarity, with another level of integration, evolved yet another step and then we can work with what comes up at that next session so that you can keep getting that continual level of evolution and growth and clarity for yourself, beyond what we can just accomplish in one session. The way I prefer to work with people is through a mentorship and right now what I have available is my 12-week business on your terms, one-on-one mentorship, business on your terms, one-on-one mentorship. The way we work in this container we meet every two weeks on Zoom for 90 minutes and work on another piece of the puzzle to get you another layer of clarity for yourself. I give you and deliver the intuitive insights that I'm picking up through my clairvoyance.

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You're able to see another layer that you couldn't see before, so that you can get those aha moments of instant clarity that honestly changes everything in a second, as well as the practical steps of how to make these shifts, how to more deeply connect with yourself, how to master your sensitive skills, how to establish operating business on your terms, once you get clarity on what it is you really want, who it is you're really here to be, what your purpose actually is and what direction you truly want to go. And we work through all of that together when we're working together, so that you have that clarity and that you can make those shifts and moves and pivots that align your business and your work to who you are, what you want, what your purpose is, your mission and vision, and create that meaningful legacy that you know that you want to be contributing in your work to the world in your lifetime. And we meet every two weeks on Zoom and then you have connection with me in between sessions over Voxer, monday to Friday, so that we can process out and hash out any ideas and thoughts that come up in between your sessions. Get the support that you need whenever things come up, because something might come up that you're not sure of or you're trying to deal with.

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A decision or some event happens and it feels unclear and you're not quite certain how to navigate it, aligned with who you are, where your boundaries are, and sometimes you need a little external support to help you see more clearly what your options are, how to move forward, and that's what the Voxer is all about and through mentorship. This is truly how the big transformations happen, everything that I've talked about today and more. If you know that what I'm talking about today is just a tiny tip of the iceberg and you know that deeper stuff that I'm referring to exists and you're already navigating it, you're already doing the work, you've already made some big changes and you know there's so much more. The more you do, the more you grow, the more you evolve, the more you connect with yourself, the more you align to yourself and your intuitive knowing and use that as your compass to guide you along as you align to your true north. You know that that's where the magic happens, that's when you feel fully fulfilled and filled with joy and passion and energy and love and success, and not just success monetarily and that, like I've mentioned, that comes but feeling that inner level of success, feeling that inner sense of inner purpose, which is what this podcast is called for a reason. Sense of inner purpose, which is what this podcast is called for a reason.

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With mentorship, it does require an application. I do want to make sure that whoever I'm working with in mentorship is aligned for this particular method and that you feel aligned for my particular method as well, because that's when the magic truly happens, when we both feel like an aligned fit. So again, there's those two options available right now to work with me, if you want to just check me out for one session and get some intuitive guidance to answer a question and give you some practical suggestions to move forward on the answer that you get more clarity on, then an intuitive business breakthrough reading really helpful for that and if you know this is your time to really step into that next level of your business, feeling aligned and fulfilled, every single level that I've talked about here and more. Then the business on your terms.

Speaker 1:

Three-month mentorship is definitely something to consider and I invite you to fill out an application and you can access information for both of these options in the show notes below. And if you have any questions, you can send me an email or a DM and I'm happy to answer them. So this wraps up this particular training series that helped you to more deeply connect with your intuition and your inner knowing so that you could have your next intuitive business breakthrough. I hope that you found this to be helpful and again, if you hadn't signed up for the whole training series. I do suggest that you do, because you will get some additional resources and material through the emails that complement each of the episodes in this five-day training series that's hosted on this podcast. I will be back for a regularly scheduled podcast episode in the next week or two and until then, take good care.