Inner Purpose Podcast

From Endometriosis to Enlightenment: A Holistic Healing Journey

Michelle Dowker Season 1 Episode 17

What happens when you combine a decade-long struggle with chronic illness, a global pandemic, and a relentless quest for healing? Lindsay Troumbly's journey from battling endometriosis to discovering her path to wellness offers profound insights and transformative lessons. Through a candid conversation, Lindsay shares how she transitioned from relying solely on Western medicine to embracing holistic practices like yoga, meditation, and personal development work. Her story, particularly her pivotal introspective work in 2020, highlights the power of tuning into one's intuition to unlock new levels of healing and self-awareness.

In this episode, we delve deep into the concept of self-responsibility and awareness for managing chronic conditions. Lindsay explains the importance of addressing both physical and emotional deficiencies and toxicity to reduce inflammation and promote overall well-being. We explore how shadow work—bringing subconscious traumas into conscious awareness—can be a powerful tool for healing, along with the critical role of maintaining energetic boundaries, especially for empathic individuals. Lindsay’s insights shed light on how a holistic detox of mind, body, and spirit can lead to a more connected and fulfilling life.

Finally, Lindsay guides us through the importance of authentic living and the wisdom of human design for making intuitive choices. She discusses how societal conditioning often steers us away from our true paths and emphasizes the necessity of breaking free to live in alignment with our unique blueprints. We touch on the balance between recognizing personal limits and maintaining mental and physical health. Lindsay’s inspiring journey and practical advice offer a roadmap for anyone looking to transform pain into purpose and live a more authentic, balanced life.

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Michelle Dowker:

Today I had a deep and juicy conversation with Lindsay Trombley. Her and I have been on very similar paths over the years and today she shares her personal story about how she navigated through the depths of endometriosis and how it led her to go from trying to just manage her symptoms to the inner healing journey that has gotten her to where she is today. And she's also speaking about her career pivot journey from being in corporate to working as a coach and then going back into corporate because there were some lessons there for her to learn, to bolster her to the next level of her evolution. And now she's stepping back into coaching where she supports women to alchemize their pain into powerful purpose. Her and I have very similar visions and outlooks and perspectives and I hope that you enjoy the conversation that we had today.

Michelle Dowker:

Lindsay, thank you so much for being here today. Now. You and I have been on parallel paths for quite a number of years now and I know you've gone through quite a journey and quite a number of pivots in your work and in your personal inner growth and healing. Tell me a little bit about your story and how you got to where you are now and what you're up to.

Lindsey Troumbley:

Oh geez, so we'll start back in 2013. So it's been about a decade now. I have gone through a severe battle with endometriosis and 2013 was my last surgery. So I had researched a lot on who is the best endometriosis surgeons and I had actually gotten in contact with one of them and fortunately, in my state, I didn't have to travel too far. But after that surgery I didn't have to travel too far. But after that surgery I was still having pain, and so I was like, you know, I've gotten to the end of what Western medicine can you know give me at this point? And I just started really on my journey to heal my physical pain. That was it. It was just like I just want to not be in pain anymore. And the journey unfolded, my goodness. So it started as like physical health exercising. I had been on the endometriosis diet for four years before my last surgery, so I continued to, you know, eat well, but I was also able to exercise now that I had gotten that surgery.

Lindsey Troumbley:

I was doing yoga and meditation and then, in fast forward to 2017, I moved to personal development, inner work. So I was doing a lot of mindset work, a lot of practicing of reading self-help books and mindset books and stuff. And then in 2020 was like the big bang, the big healing that I did and I jumped into just really healing my energy. I was isolated like everybody else and in that isolation time I actually realized that I'm an introvert. I did not know this. I was always working in the public, I was always going 100 miles an hour all the time and, yeah, I was tired and I was burnt out a lot, but I didn't realize that wasn't the normal, and so when I was forced to be in isolation, I was forced to do a lot of introspective work that I hadn't done. So that's when I got into like the shadow work, like my abandonment wounds with my father that I never realized were affecting me up until this point.

Lindsey Troumbley:

And doing all of that it was like I was unlocking these gates into my intuition, like I've always been intuitive, but I at this point it's like I describe it as like a radio dial, and if you just dial it like a little bit one way or the other, you're going to get a way clear signal, and that's how I feel now. I feel like I'm just like balance and I'm connected and my head and my heart does not battle each other anymore and my life has improved in every single direction. So my endometriosis has improved, my physical health has improved, my mental health has improved, my wealth, I make more money now, I have better relationships in my life, and it's all been like through the journey of connecting to my intuition, and I know that sounds crazy, but I also feel like we can all do this, but we're guided away from doing it. So if you think about oh, I have a physical health issue, you go to an outside source for that, not inside. But when you study the laws of the universe, everything as within, so without, and so everything has to start from within. And if you can't trust yourself, who are you going to trust? So then you keep getting manipulated along the way and you keep questioning yourself and you keep doubting yourself and you keep, you know, going in these circles and really all it is is you're in your own freaking way. So once you can get out of your way, once you can detox your body and get all the crap out of your body that's literally chemically manipulating your mind Once you can program your mindset to be in a place of abundance and gratitude, once you can clear your energy space so that you can recognize and set boundaries, both energetically and physically, and just come to a harmonic balance. It's like you're connected to everything and synchronicities come in and opportunities come in, and all of these things that you never saw before, you see now. It's crazy. I love it. It's been an amazing whirlwind of a journey.

Lindsey Troumbley:

I was coaching women with endometriosis in 2020. I had a podcast, all the things, but they weren't quite ready for my work. They weren't quite in alignment with the holistic health that I was teaching because of what we're taught, right, we're taught to trust doctors, we're taught to take drugs and get surgeries, and that is the be all, end all. And when you have a chronic disease like endometriosis in your program to think that there's nothing else that can be done, your program to think that there's nothing else that can be done, then you're in this victim mentality of not taking things upon yourself and not looking within yourself, and so you feel like just hopeless and helpless. And then here's me and I come along and I'm like, hey, like there is another way, and I did it and you can too.

Lindsey Troumbley:

And, my goodness, the gaslighting was just so intense after a while and I just kind of ran out of resources, the pandemic was ending, and so I went back to corporate world. And let me tell you, the real flex of doing all of this work is when you can go back'm the type of person that I realize that everything's happening for us. And so I look back now and I realize like, even though I'm an entrepreneurial spirit and I'm a coach and I'm an intuitive and I'm a healer and I'm like all these things and I want to use all that to impact people in my own way and that's my purpose and my path that I had to go back to that corporate environment to strengthen my character development so that I could actually deal with the entrepreneur journey, because it's not easy. There's a lot of failures, there's a lot of there's a lot of failures, there's a lot of hardship, there's a lot that goes into it. And now I'm like okay, I'm ready, let's do this thing. So that's where I'm at.

Michelle Dowker:

Oh my goodness, Amazing. It's like we speak the same language.

Lindsey Troumbley:

We're soul sisters, for sure.

Michelle Dowker:

You know, thinking back to you know, as you're telling your story, you know I could relate so much to what you were saying about shifting your diet and doing. You know, taking supplements or whatever can be helpful to a degree and it sounds like for you you kind of recognize there's something more here, there's something deeper there's something more here, there's something deeper.

Lindsey Troumbley:

Yeah, I'm very curious person and I'm also very stubborn, so that was my path forward into I'm gonna figure this out, if it takes me the rest of my life, because the doctors are telling me I'm gonna have this for the rest of my life anyways, so why not at least just try, you know? And so my mom said that two of my first words were what's that? And followed by why. And I've literally never changed. Like I was like what's that, why, what's that why? And what I did was I basically I joke to people and I'm like, okay, I could have two doctorates by now for the amount of time and research and study that I put into, like just learning and implementing and this didn't work for me. Throw that out, okay, start this, bring this back in.

Lindsey Troumbley:

You know, and building this program that I had basically taught women with endometriosis in my coaching is a mind, body, spirit detox, if you want to put it simple, but there's a lot of stuff that goes into that. But what I realized is that basically you just have to clear out all the crap, like you have to get out of your own way. That's what you need to do. And like your body and your mind and your soul are all connected, and we're not taught that, right. Like allopathic Western medicine teaches you to only focus on the body, and then you only focus on the part of the body that is acting up. So you have these symptoms and you focus on those. Well, endometriosis is technically a reproductive disease, right, but as we've gone on and studied, we have found out that it's actually an entire body inflammation disease, right, and so when you can control the inflammation, you can control the disease. Well, inflammation is a symptom, it's not a cause, and so then you have to think about what is actually causing that inflammation, and the two things that I've found in all my studying is that inflammation is caused by two things deficiency and toxicity, or deficiency caused by toxicity. So the number one thing that causes all of this inflammation and all of these symptoms in your body, in your mental health, in your physical health, in your energetic health, is toxicity. So if you get rid of the toxicity, you get rid of everything, and what happens is, as you keep detoxing further and further in, as you keep detoxing further and further in. So, as I said, first it was physical for me, and then it was mental and then it was spiritual.

Lindsey Troumbley:

Once you can get rid of all the stuff, you're so connected. You're like this kind of like antenna that's now connected to the universe and you recognize it and you realize it. So all of this synchronicity, that's where you recognize it, like there is not a day that goes by now that I don't see angel numbers, and usually it's like multiple times a day, and every time you see that it makes you pause and just reflect on that moment and it's like thank you for this reminder or thank you for this and the people that come into my life and the opportunities that come into my life. We're all connected and you're connected and the number one law of the universe is as within, so without. And so once you can realize like I'm in my own way, I'm the only one that can fix myself, then everything changes.

Michelle Dowker:

Beautiful. I have so many questions.

Lindsey Troumbley:

Fire away girl.

Michelle Dowker:

Two things, a couple of things that come up. So, first of all, what do you think about? When you mentioned toxicity, the first thing that came to mind is what about emotional toxicity?

Lindsey Troumbley:

Yeah, everything. So when you don't eat right, it also affects your mental health, right? And when you are brought up, however you're brought up, you have traumas in your life that actually affect your emotional health. Until you get rid of those traumas, but what we don't realize is most of it's subconscious. So until we bring that into the conscious, we can't get rid of it.

Lindsey Troumbley:

It's just like these people and these things and these patterns that keep showing up in your life and you don't understand why. And you feel like a victim. And that's where the victim mentality comes in is like why do these things keep happening to me? Why do I keep attracting toxic men in my life? Why do I keep attracting, you know, toxic people that just want to be energy vampires and drain me of my life force, right? But then you realize, like, as you do, shadow work that's what shadow work is all about. For me is like that emotional trauma that you've been carrying around for years and years. Shadow work is just a fancy word for awareness. To me, it's just bringing what you are not aware of into awareness so that you can sit with that, process it and then move through it.

Michelle Dowker:

Yeah, absolutely.

Lindsey Troumbley:

But yeah, emotional toxicity is. But yeah, emotional toxicity is. You can't be in physical pain without it affecting your emotional health. You just you can't like it's just this cycle that you get in. And the longer you deal with a chronic disease and the more you're told like you're not going to get better or there's nothing wrong with you or it's in your head or you know, and the people in your life don't understand what's going on, like you don't look sick on the outside right and so you're carrying like all this emotional baggage around and it's just part of your norm. So you don't realize like I can get rid of this, I can get rid of this, I can let go of this and I can separate using energetic boundaries. That's something that I teach that this is your crap and this is my crap and I don't have to like bring your crap into my crap and get it mixed together.

Lindsey Troumbley:

For me. I'm an empathic person, so my entire life I didn't have boundaries. I didn't understand what those were. My mom treated me like her child counselor as she went through multiple abusive relationships and toxic relationships and instead of of, I mean she did go to counselors. It didn't really last very long, but I was her counselor. She would come to me and dump on me and you know I was a kid but I wanted to help my hurting mother. I wanted to help my hurting mother, I wanted to make her pain go away, and so I took on a lot of that. But I didn't realize it wasn't normal, like that was just my relationship with my mom. So as I grew up I didn't realize that wasn't normal and so I took on everyone's pain and everyone's emotions.

Lindsey Troumbley:

And that stores in your body and it causes disease. It's a causation of disease, and so when you get rid of that, your body is actually able to heal at a more rapid pace. So a lot of people don't realize. But every organ in your body is able of regeneration. Every cell in your body is able of regeneration. The time that it takes to do so is different for each thing, but it can't do it if it's blocked. So whether that's an energetic block or whether that's like a parasite that's eating your you know nutrients and you're not getting those absorbed into your body, or whatever it is like, if you clear it out the body will heal.

Michelle Dowker:

Absolutely. The body has an impressive ability to heal itself, as long as you give it the right conditions.

Lindsey Troumbley:

Exactly yeah.

Michelle Dowker:

Now you've gone through this amazing inner healing journey. You've taken self-responsibility for not only your health but your life. You've manifested so much goodness because of this self responsibility that you've taken and this realization of the truth, of how it really works.

Lindsey Troumbley:

The one thing that keeps coming back to that is being aware. A lot of us like, when we're in victim mentality, it's not our fault. You know it's not our fault. You know it's not my fault that this keeps happening to me. It's not my fault that I don't have money, it's not my fault that I don't have the relationships that I want.

Lindsey Troumbley:

But there's only one common denominator in all that right, you. If once you realize, like, for it was the awareness of the patterns first. So it was the awareness of these things keep happening to me. And then it was yeah, I can't control other people, but I can control me. So if I'm the only common denominator in this situation and I can't, I like to control stuff. Common denominator in this situation and I can't, I like to control stuff.

Lindsey Troumbley:

If I can't control other people but I can control myself, then what is it within me that's causing this? So every causation has a reaction, right, and so when you can take self-responsibility for your part in that, then everything changes because you realize, like, I have so much more control. I'm not a victim anymore. I'm empowered to figure it out. I'm empowered to end the toxic relationships. I'm empowered to end the you know cycles that have kept me in victim mentality, but a lot of people don't want to and that's like another thing that I had to realize in coaching is a lot I can help a lot of these women because of the victim mentality but they didn't want to get out of it. It's like if you take the step to get out of it is one thing, but if you're not willing to take that step, you can bring a horse to water but you can't make him drink, type of thing, you know.

Michelle Dowker:

Absolutely. That's something that I've noticed along my journey as well. You know, everyone's at a different place on their path and their journey and not everybody is ready for change, because change can feel hard, it's unfamiliar, it can look scary. Sometimes it's like the pain of staying where you are needs to get so great that you're willing to finally move forward in that change and and be willing to face the pain of the unfamiliarity absolutely.

Lindsey Troumbley:

I think pain is our biggest opportunity for growth. It's like alchemizing that pain into power, and that's one of my things that I say I do is I take you from pain. You learn how to alchemize that into your strengths. What are my strengths? What is my power? Because everybody has that, and for me it's been intuition and realizing how intuitive of a person I am and how, when I can connect to that and let that guide me, my life is in flow when I'm in my head. I'm very analytical person too, so I'm a manifesting generator in human design and I have a lot of open channels. So I'm very open minded, which is a good thing, but it also made me very prone to being indoctrinated and programmed. What I basically realized is that my head and my heart would always be battling each other, like in any major decision that I had to take in my life, and so it was. Either I did nothing because I couldn't decide what to do, or I picked the logical Because that's what made sense. You would make the pros and the cons list you would go over in your head of, like, this is what makes the most sense. So this is what I did, and it always came full circle to bite me in the ass. So then again you realize the patterns, right, you realize like, okay, I did this before and now I'm here, so a good example of that would be.

Lindsey Troumbley:

My purpose is to help people evolve and so change for me. I've always been pretty adaptable to it, but I wanted to be a psychologist back in school and I talked myself out of it because the money the time I went back to school when I was 25. And so I really just wanted to like, get in, get out and get into the world and start making money. So I was comparing myself to all my friends that had already graduated college. They were already doing all the things that I wanted to be doing buying houses, you know, getting married, doing the things, the typical white picket fence life, which now I also know is not my path. But you know, you learn.

Lindsey Troumbley:

So I chose to go to school for advertising and become an advertising executive and I was like I just want to make a bunch of money. Whatever is going to get me there, the quickest way is what I'm going to do. And then I hated every job I had, like I was, I'm gonna do this and I did like I worked my butt off in college to intern, to stack my resume, to make sure that, when I was done with college, I was gonna get the best jobs at the best companies, and it wasn't wrong. I did those things. I worked for 3M, I worked for Best Buy, I worked for Target, and I hated every one of those jobs, sitting in a cubicle all day long, nine to five, and I didn't realize that was the problem, though.

Lindsey Troumbley:

So I just kind of kept switching companies and switching roles, thinking that you know, it's just this or it's just that, and now I'm a coach. So it's like it's come a full circle, and if I just would have went to college to be a psychologist, like my intuition told me to, I probably wouldn't have had to jump through all those hoopsops and now, at 38 years old, realize what I want to do with my life. It's the awareness of the patterns and then realizing, like I'm gonna follow my intuition now, because every time I don't, I still end up at the same place. It just takes me twice as long to get there. I have to go through twice as many obstacles, so so now that I do that, my life is so much easier.

Michelle Dowker:

That's the thing, right, especially, you know, with all the social conditioning that's out there. You know that, like you touched upon, right, the white picket fence and the cubicle job and all the things are what society says you should be doing and should be achieving. And it sounds like your logical brain was saying, well, of course, this is what I need to be doing, versus your heart that was saying, well, wait a second, that's I want to be doing this.

Lindsey Troumbley:

And yeah, and so you've come to this realization that your intuition, or your heart, is probably telling you more of the truth than maybe your intellect an age of literally being bombarded by information 24-7, whether it's social media, whether it's just the internet in general, or it's your friends, or it's your family, or it's the TV, or it's the news or whatever it is. And so if you can't trust yourself, who are you gonna trust? Who are you gonna trust? And when you can't trust yourself, like I said, you get manipulated because you absorb all this information and then you just get overwhelmed and you can't figure out, like, what to do with it all, and so you just go with the most popular thing, right, right, like what is everybody else doing? And then I'm just gonna. I'm just gonna go that route.

Lindsey Troumbley:

The healing, the real healing, is who was I before the world told me who to be? Your intuition is your soul compass. That's what I call it. It's like that direct connection to your soul. I don't know if I want to go down this rabbit hole, but we're programmed to not listen to that. Because if we did, if everybody realized the power that they have by connecting to their soul and what that would do for their life, society would not exist the way it exists right now, and I'll just leave it like that.

Michelle Dowker:

Well, I mean, I think things are changing in this world. I think more and more people are waking up to maybe there's a different way than the way we've been programmed and conditioned to believe that we need to be operating.

Lindsey Troumbley:

Absolutely like me and you, and I find that it's definitely time for the masses to wake up, or whatever you want to call it. And I think the blessing of the pandemic was that's what happened, that we were forced into this situation of isolation, and during that time a lot of people were able to do a lot of healing, a lot of priority realization, spending time with family, working remotely, and after you do that, you kind of realize like I don't want to go back to life the way that it was before.

Michelle Dowker:

I know I've had a lot of conversations with many people who have indicated that the pandemic was kind of a turning point for them, right Open their eyes to themselves and who they are, who they want to be, and it doesn't seem to fit the molded box of the white picket fence work in the cubicle.

Lindsey Troumbley:

People want freedom. They want freedom, they want to live their lives on their terms and I think this illusion that we had freedom before is crumbling and people are realizing, like I didn't have freedom, I'm literally stuck at my job, x amount of hours a week, like I'm dictated on how much money I can make, I'm dictated on how much time a year I can have to take off to travel and spend time with my family. And they want. That illusion is crumbling. So now it's like there's so many other opportunities to build a business online or to, you know, work remotely now that people are like, why wouldn't I do that if that's what I can do?

Michelle Dowker:

So much is shifting. Now you mentioned about living life on your terms. It's funny that you bring that up, because that's something that you know in my work is guiding people to do their business on their terms.

Michelle Dowker:

One of the things that you mentioned earlier in your journey was that you didn't realize that you're an introvert, and you were all over the place and you were showing up and doing all the things and go, go, go, doing all the things and go, go, go. Now that you see that you are an introvert, how has anything changed in terms of how you operate?

Lindsey Troumbley:

Oh, 100%, like now that I'm aware of my energy and that it needs that balance, I prioritize that. So I I do spend a lot more time at home. I do spend a lot more time recharging than I used to. I never really gave myself that opportunity before and so I was always like go, go, go and then tired and then burnt out feeling and stressed out and all of these things. And now I'm like I'm aware when I'm getting stressed out or burned out, and then I take that time to make sure that I can get back into balance again and my body will tell me it, my mental health will tell me it. And that's the thing is, I'm not 100% cured of endometriosis, I'm not 100% healed, but I recognize when I need to do what I need to do to get back into balance again. And when I can do that, then things start to calm down again.

Michelle Dowker:

So it sounds like you've got this awareness and discernment. I love those words, by the way. Yeah Right To recognize what your body is trying to say, where your limits are and respecting them and giving yourself the permission to do what you need to do to maintain balance.

Lindsey Troumbley:

Yeah, 100%. And that is all also connected to my intuition. The way that I operate and live now is intuitively. So I eat intuitively, I exercise intuitively, I rest intuitively. I go out in nature intuitively, I exercise intuitively, I rest intuitively, I go out in nature intuitively. Everything that I do and how I show up in the world is guided by my intuition, even in business, like I don't, I have a strategy, but it's intuitive and strategy alignment. If it doesn't align with my intuition, then I don't move forward.

Michelle Dowker:

I love it because you know structure and strategy is important, but it also needs to be aligned intuitively with you and who you are and how you operate.

Lindsey Troumbley:

And your authenticity is what's going to make you successful, not following what everybody else is doing. It's hard sometimes to recognize and realize that, especially when you feel like you are different than most people. But that is your superpower people. But that is your superpower, that's how you stand out in the world. And not everybody is a leader, Not everybody is a changemaker.

Lindsey Troumbley:

But when you realize that that is your purpose, like it is mine and it is yours, then you need to follow that authenticity to get you there, instead of hiring the business coach that's helped x amount of people or whatever it is strategy wise like that person. If they don't align with the way I do things, it's not going to make me successful, even though they've helped x amount of people, even though they've helped X amount of people with this cookie cutter method. If I feel like and that's what I learned in corporate too is if I feel like I can do something more efficient or more effective, then I leaders right. If we were all just leaders, that wouldn't work. But whatever it is that resonates with you and your authentic expression, that's what you need to follow.

Michelle Dowker:

I love that you touched on something really important, because this is a real commonality. I know I've experienced this myself and I know a lot of my clients experience this feeling like you don't fit in right, feeling like you're different from the people around you, or feeling like you know you don't belong in some way. You know historically that feeling of not fitting in. I don't know if you've experienced this for yourself, but I know when I was younger I was trying to figure out how I can fit in and change myself so that I could belong with other people. But I've come to this realization and I'm sure you have as well that we're not designed to fit in. We're designed to shine our light in this unique way, to show another way, to show the way for the people who are aligned, to learn from us so that they can connect to their own unique light.

Lindsey Troumbley:

Yes, 100%. I love that. I 100% did that. I was friends with everybody. I was the chameleon.

Lindsey Troumbley:

I never, you know, put myself in a box, but I always tried to follow the mold that I was taught to follow, that I was taught to follow. My parents were like, you know, get good grades, go to college, work hard. And then I did those things and it was like well, where's the success? And I didn't feel fulfilled. And then I got into Stuff like human design. And well, first it was astrology Was what led me to human design.

Lindsey Troumbley:

I grew up thinking astrology was like some voodoo crap. You know, I was like whatever, I don't get it. I would read my horoscope for fun, in like the magazines, and I would be like this does not describe me at all, whatever. But then I found the pattern app and I don't know if you've ever used it, but it's like your astrological chart, like the time, the day, the minute that you were born into the patterns of your life. And that's when I was like boom, like I read this and it resonated with me and I was like these are patterns of mine, like these are the patterns I've been showing up.

Lindsey Troumbley:

And so I realized like this, it said things to me like you're different, you're not like other people. You need to follow your own design. You need to follow your own design. You need to follow your own path. And then I got into human design and I realized like my sole purpose in this lifetime on this planet is to help raise collective consciousness by change and using my intuition to change. So now I have to go first. I have to be that visionary, I have to make those leaps, because that is what I'm here to do. So I would advise everyone to look into that stuff, to use it as a roadmap and to intuitively sit with it and be like does this align with me? And, if it does, to follow that strategy along with your intuition, and I promise you that your life will feel more in alignment.

Michelle Dowker:

Do you want to know how to use your human design to make the most accurate and aligned intuitive decisions according to your personal design? If so, you don't want to miss episode 13 in season one, where I describe exactly how to use the aspects of your human design to understand how to make the most aligned intuitive decisions for you. You can also sign up for the free intuitive business breakthrough five-part training series, and in this training series is included this particular podcast lesson that is going to teach you step-by-step how to connect to your human design chart to make the most accurate decisions according to your design. Absolutely, I agree with you 100%. I mean, I know for me, I use a blend of human design and astrology to understand myself and help my clients understand themselves, and I mean astrology goes so much deeper than your sun sign or even your big three, like that's just the superficial, topical stuff yeah, yeah, and that's what people don't realize like I'm a Virgo sun, gemini moon, capricorn rising.

Lindsey Troumbley:

so it does like explain why I need balance and why, like the Gemini moon, mood, part of me is like this witty, whimsical, airy part of me and then, like the Capricorn, is like work, work, work. But when you get into like the nitty-gritty of the aspects of your chart and all of these things and what I love about human design is it takes your chart and it also brings in energy, the chi and the personality dynamics. So it's not just like you fit into these categories, it's like this is your unique blueprint, design for your life. And if you even take the basics of it your authority and listening to how you should follow that, it will change. But the deeper that you get into it, the more intricate that you get into your gates and your channels and all of these things like it will blow your mind. It really will.

Michelle Dowker:

Absolutely. I couldn't agree more. And it can take a lifetime to truly understand all the aspects of your human design chart, and every aspect of it tells you something about yourself Really. When you know yourself, when you truly know, know yourself like that's when you connect back to you and that's when you can truly trust your intuition and what your inner knowing is really trying to show you and what your soul is directing you towards yes, yeah, absolutely.

Lindsey Troumbley:

I was going to say my entire purpose is to teach people how to live in an authentic expression, and most people are not, because they don't even realize who they are. And it's sad because they don't realize who they are because they are trying to fit in or they're wearing masks or they're not good at boundaries or all this stuff that we've. All of that will ultimately lead you back to. This is who I am and I can trust in it.

Michelle Dowker:

I love it. Such an important foundational key that unlocks everything.

Lindsey Troumbley:

Literally everything Right, yeah, yeah, because we're connected to the universe and we're literally from the womb programmed to think otherwise. Like that, we're just this, this separate human living this life, and we have it's like a survival of the fittest and we have to do what we can to survive. But when we realize that we are connected, you start realizing that not only are you connected to you, but you're connected to everyone else, and then you want to change the world. You care about other people more, you're more compassionate towards other people, towards creatures, even Like I try not to even kill bugs anymore, you know, because you just realize, like that the earth is a living being in itself and everything is energy and we're all connected by that. Energy is energy and we're all connected by that energy. And whether I call it God, whether whatever you want to call it, it all is, that's all it is, it just all is. When you realize, like what you do and how you live your life does have an impact and a ripple effect, it's like life changing effect.

Michelle Dowker:

It's like life changing. That's been coming up a lot for me lately in my world and conversations with others. Is this ripple effect. I think we had a bit of a conversation about that. I think I posted something about. It can seem like overwhelming to think how am I, who am I, to heal the world? But it really starts with you, connecting back with you and then creating that ripple effect through leadership.

Lindsey Troumbley:

I mean, this podcast is a pretty good example of that. Right. We connected to ourselves. We are now connecting to each other and, through this dialogue and conversation, whoever listens to this is connected to us, and then they will go out and take the tidbits of intuitive information that they gathered from this and connect to others and share. And so it's it's. You see it all around you. You just really have to focus on that instead of focusing on the fear and negativity that's in the world.

Michelle Dowker:

Mm, hmm, what you focus on is what will amplify.

Lindsey Troumbley:

Yeah, trust me, I am not about light and love and positivity all the time, because that is not real. We are not all light, we are not all love. We are complex, we are dynamic, we are light and dark. We all have our shadows, and so I am about balance and awareness. And when you're in your shadows, how can I process that? How can I work through that? It's never wrong to be in your authenticity. It's only wrong if you perceive it to be wrong. So many people are like, well, I have to be this, or people won't like me, or imposter syndrome, or being a perfectionist or being a people pleaser, and that all is not being in your authenticity. Right, you're trying to do something or be something for someone else. You're never gonna feel connected or fulfilled when you're in that place because you're not being in your authenticity.

Michelle Dowker:

Yeah, you're not being who you're meant to be, who you're designed to be.

Lindsey Troumbley:


Michelle Dowker:

Yeah, oh, that's a whole other topic on its own.

Lindsey Troumbley:

I know right, we could go down so many like different gravel holes with this and like but my goodness, we might have to have another discussion. Absolutely. I'm totally down for that.

Michelle Dowker:

Because it is.

Lindsey Troumbley:

It's just like. The one nugget that I want people to take away from this is is you are in control of your life, of your health of your being and that that comes from knowing who you are, and for me it's connecting to my intuition.

Lindsey Troumbley:

That's how I have unlocked all of these things, but I also have the intuitive gate in my human design, so that is how I have to live my life. It's not the same for everybody and that's why I use all these modalities to help people figure out, like, how to connect to who they are. But it happens authentically when you detox the being, like when you clear out all this stuff, you don't have to try to be somebody else. It just you, just are now. Because you're not trying to people, please, you're not trying to like put on a mask, because you realize in doing all those things it was all a trauma response. All of those things that you were doing was not who you are, it was who you were told to be or who you felt you should be. So when you no longer feel those things anymore, then the only thing left is just you and your authentic vulnerability and your authentic expression.

Michelle Dowker:

Yeah, and I mean, once you see it, you can't unsee it.

Lindsey Troumbley:

Oh yeah.

Lindsey Troumbley:

There's absolutely no way I could go back to being all those things that I once was, now Like. I am not a people pleaser anymore. I have boundaries. Now I speak my mind and in doing so you have to realize that not everyone's gonna like you anymore. Like you automatically polarize yourself by being authentic, but what that does is it allows you to connect with people that actually appreciate who you are at your authentic core, instead of trying to be all these things for all these people that really don't appreciate you at your authentic core. So, even though you might not have as many friends or you might, you know, trigger people or piss people off more than you used to, you're also attracting in people that are inspired by your authenticity, that are that feel that you're empowering them to be in their authenticity. Trying to make everybody like you and trying to appeal to everybody and trying to not piss people off is how you really get out of alignment with yourself.

Michelle Dowker:

Yeah, I term it. It's a survival mechanism. Yeah, and the thing is, is that what helps you to survive isn't what allows you to thrive?

Lindsey Troumbley:

Yeah, little rhyme there, love it.

Michelle Dowker:

And I don't know about you, but you know, once you connect to your truth and your authentic self and you're operating like from this place of interconnection, if you try to work against that or if you try to like go back to your old ways, or if you're trying to like be someone that you're not, your, your system, in one way or another, is going to tell you, give you messages, whether it be symptoms or not feeling well or, you know, emotionally or physically there's going to be signs like you can't not ignore it yeah, and that's what I talk about by being in balance.

Lindsey Troumbley:

Is I 100% get out of balance sometimes because I do work too hard or I do have stress or whatever, but my body lets me know. One of the first signs that will happen for me is my sciatica will flare up from my endo or my sacral will feel off, my gut will feel like it's just not properly moving the way that it's supposed to be, and it all goes back to we're not taught to recognize these things. So, like people that are chronically ill and they're not living a life in alignment, are are essentially out of balance, but they don't realize that and they don't realize how to get back into balance again. So when you actually do connect with yourself and you do get to that point where I am so attuned with my body now that the moment I do something I'm not supposed to do, it lets me know and I know that this is what I did wrong, right? So if I have one too many drinks, if I, you know, don't get enough rest, and I automatically realize that that.

Lindsey Troumbley:

But people that are eating the standard American diet with all these chemicals and everything and not only are they eating that or Western diet, canada, to where all of this food is altering their chemical balance in their body. You have no idea. Was it the donut that I ate, or is it the pizza that I ate? Was it the soda that I drank? I teach people to intuitively eat by paying attention to what is occurring in their body after they put that food in their body. First you do have to track it, but after a while it just becomes intuitive, it just becomes. I don't have to count my calories or my macros, I don't have to diet, I don't have to pay that much attention because I just intuitively know what my body likes and what it doesn't and I feed it what it likes and I avoid what it doesn't. For the most part, for the most part, I I cheat sometimes and then I regret it, but you know, I'm human.

Michelle Dowker:

so well, you live and learn right right oh, I love it moderation right right, okay. So you've gone through this journey and you've made pivots and changes to what you're doing where you're at, and I know you're in the middle of a pivot right now from corporate and back into coaching.

Lindsey Troumbley:

Yep, here I am again, the long road.

Michelle Dowker:

Yeah, when you're at now. Who would you say is your dreamiest client that you enjoy working with the most?

Lindsey Troumbley:

Somebody that wants to alchemize their pain into power, somebody that's willing to do the work, because I realize now that I can label myself a healer or a coach or whatever, but I don't heal them. They heal them. So if they're not ready to do the work, I'm not going to take them on as a client because they're not going to get the results that they want. And then they're going to blame me for that right. When I sit down and I have conversations with people and they're dealing with a chronic disease or they're dealing with some kind of severe pain in their life whether it's physical, emotional but I can tell that they're not ready or that they don't want to be, I will not take them on.

Michelle Dowker:


Lindsey Troumbley:


Michelle Dowker:

So important.

Lindsey Troumbley:

Yeah, whoever my intuition tells me to work with, that's who I work with.

Michelle Dowker:

Excellent. Now, if there was someone out there that's listening to your story, wondering might Lindsay be the person for me? What would be a word of advice or a nugget of wisdom that you could share with them?

Lindsey Troumbley:

I would say to clear out the crap and follow your soul compass. Listen to your intuition. If you catch me on social media and you resonate with a post that I made, reach out. We can have a conversation. You can feel into whether I'm the person for you, your coach, your mentor, whatever you want to call it. You need to be in alignment with them. I know that my ideal client is somebody that resonates and connects with me and we align. I'm not trying to push anybody, I'm not trying to chase anybody, but if I am and we are in alignment, you better believe I'm going to do everything in my power to get you to where you want to be.

Michelle Dowker:

I love that. I resonate so much with that. And where's the best place where you can be found on the socials?

Lindsey Troumbley:

I'm very active on Facebook, Lindsay Trombley. I also have Instagram. I also have LinkedIn. I'm pretty out there. You can find me.

Michelle Dowker:

So I'll link some of those things in the show notes for people.

Lindsey Troumbley:


Michelle Dowker:

Yeah, this has been a wonderful conversation, lindsay, I agree.

Lindsey Troumbley:

I love chatting with like-minded people and people that are just in their authentic expression and trying to make change in the world, and I absolutely feel like we're in alignment on that. So I didn't have anything prepared for today. I was just like let's come, let's flow with it, and, yeah, it's been an amazing conversation. Thanks so much for having me on your podcast.

Michelle Dowker:

Yeah, it's been my absolute pleasure and I have a feeling we might have to have another conversation.

Lindsey Troumbley:

I am down for as many conversations as you want to have, absolutely.

Michelle Dowker:
